Two Years
Hello, Arthur again. It has been a very long time since I have written anything because of my work so here it goes. If anything like this has happened in life with someone, this is purely coincidence. All the characters and events are fictional. Thank you and hope you enjoy it!
I got out of my bed. Well, maybe not exactly rested but I slept enough for to begin hyperventilating on the fact that huge changes are happening in my life. Today, I am boarding plane and going to USA and hopefully – forever. Oh, right, I forgot..
My name is Ronald, Ronald Dane. I am 24 years old and eager to leave this place for good. Good thing I got a chance to apply in college in USA. Good thing I can leave my home and work behind so that I can be free, free of fear. Don’t ask me about my looks, because my self-consciousness does not help that matter, so let’s leave at that. Oh, and main reason for all of this – I am gay.
Once or twice or, maybe, even trice I tried to date guys here, in secrecy. But – to no avail. All came down to sex, main aspect of living together was sex. I am not that person, sorry but I am not. Yeah, I like sex and all but not to put it the main event in relationship. Where is “here”, you ask? It’s not important, not anymore – that ship has sailed.
Normally, I would pick up a book, cross my legs in bed; relax my stiff body of finally being able to sleep throughout the night with the minimum startled waking up. Work has destroyed my biological clock and the sleep I get is not a deep one. Only in my own bed I still get remnants of it. Yep, that’s right. But right now, I had a lot to do; for instance – packing.
I went partying last night. Yeah, sort of a farewell gesture to my friends. See, I am not a ‘party animal’ or anything but I DO go to them, from time to time. This was one of those times. It was hard to tell whether they were sad to see me going or happy because by the end of the night, alcohol was coursing through our body and were laughing, practically about everything.
I glanced sideways at my Eragon book and sniffled, theatrically. Instead of giving in to my urges, I got up, stretched and found my way to kitchen to put the water on – I needed my black tea. See, weird thing about me – if I wake up some time BEFORE 10 AM; I need coffee. If I wake AFTER 10 AM – black tea is in order. I put on the water and went hunting for ingredients both in fridge and on bread shelf for makeshift sandwich; basically the only of type of food I loved to experiment with.
Everyone was gone from home, and that gave me some “me” time, if you know what I mean. I made my tea, made my sandwich and went back to my bed, found a missed episode of one of my favourite tv shows and put it on, while slowly chewing down my breakfast. It was a missed episode of Arrow. Guys there were older than me, of course but nevertheless, hot as hell. I sat through it, sipping my tea and enjoying another turn of the events. That tv show has so many corners as short side-street maze, if thing like that even exists!
After it ended, I rolled my eyes as felt a boner in my pants. I quickly rummaged through my hard drive of my laptop, put on porn, and took off my pants. Not much time passed when one guy was already on his knees and sucking off the other one, who moaned. Weird thing – I am not a moaner, not much I guess. Silently, I played with my cock, rubbing it, jerking it, with my foreskin covering the head of it. Yeah, I am uncut. When the guys were barely few seconds into fucking, I was already cumming. Yeah, I cum fast, oh well.
I wiped my crotch and cock with tissues I had prepared beforehand and went to bathroom, to toss it in toilet and flush it down. After that I washed my arms and then, it was it – I could not put it off longer. I had to begin my packing.
After I finally straightened myself up from searching for my necessary stuff I could carry with me on plane and in my bag, I packed it all neatly in my bag. When I was done, my sister got home, evidently, noticing the bags.
- ‘This is it, eh?’ She asked, looking up at me.
- ‘Finally, yeah.’ I gave barely a curtly reply.
- ‘Why do you hate me so much?’ Out of nowhere she asked. I glanced at her and rolled my eyes. Did she really have to ask that? She as I knew I got tired of family’s bullshit. I could not be safe around them with my secret of being gay because all of them, without exception hated gay people. They thought that gays need to be exterminated as some sick disease and had to be purged from face of the earth. I clenched my teeth to bite back any remarks.
- ‘Whatever.’ Was all I said and sat down, waiting for rest of them to arrive.
I sat in the car silently, as my father drove me to airport. On our way, we made a small talk about my decisions, as if he was looking weaknesses in my defence of going to USA. My decision was stern, even if I had only shared the partial truth. They had to deal with it and I was not about to end my life on my way to freedom by telling them I was gay. Mom sat next to me in the backseat. She sniffed couple of times. She was like that - cried, whenever saw me going. I knew it was going to be hard for me at the airport. Part of me still struggled, no matter what. I guess parents are parents and they have been the ones who had been with me for all of my life so far, no matter the bullshit I had been put through.
And I was right. I wept in airport. I fought my tears through my goodbyes, my voice breaking twice. Ughh. Oh well. I did raise my head and turned around, without a glance backwards, and went through security after handing off my luggage to check my handbag with laptop and my pocket contents.
Finally, I was in airplane. I could hardly keep calm as my heart raced, as if ready lift off itself if the plane didn’t get in air. I laughed silently but still was anxious, and even when the plane began moving across the runway I was just so on anxiety edge. Finally, airplane was in air.
14 hours of flight, with twice of changing planes in UK and Denmark and here I was, stepping out from airport on USA soil, after, of course going through security, checking my visa, reason for coming to USA and checking my possessions once again. I didn’t care. I was in seventh heaven. I was free.
- ‘Hey!’ A familiar voice found my ears through buzzing of crowd all around me. Oh so many skype calls, oh so many phone calls with my best friend Alex, who also was gay and yet his voice did sound a bit different in reality. And here I was, smiling like stupid idiot, not caring for anyone to see, I just rushed through the crowd and found him.
- ‘Alex.’ I said, choking on his name. A lump of happiness blocked my voice cords. It was thanks to him, thanks to his abilities and knowledge in USA laws I was here. I hugged him, and hugged him hard.
- ‘Finally.’ He said. I laughed and burst into happy tears.
- ‘Finally.’ I confirmed. Unwillingly, I let him go and together we loaded my bags in his car. I sat next to him in front and he in driver’s seat. He smiled. I smiled. We both smiled. There was so much I wanted to say to him right now, but my words, as always failed me. I was so happy. Finally, my life began. Finally, I could go forward.
As agreed, and as I still had time before college began, I was staying at his place. We went to places, watched movies, had bonfire night even, had so much fun. Yeah, we went even a bit nerdy and played videogames. Heh, we liked that. And most part – cuddles. I could finally be free and be myself and snuggle up with my best friend. Long story short – I gave my promises to him and here I was, keeping them.
I know, I know, I am rushing with my story but I am trying to get up to point where it all began. Where my downfall had came in view.
It was 3 (or was it 4?) weeks in my college term. I had made friends and finally, we had decided to go to a bar and celebrate. It was a karaoke bar, where, if you wanted, you could ask for permission to go on to a small stage and sing a song. I was not amongst the singers. I was the one listening. Let’s just say; I didn’t have the balls.
I was at the table with my college buddies, taking the sip of beer and laughing. And then..
It is so weird when a song can hit you. That’s what happened to me. I heard the familiar piano key sounds in background. Then, after seconds, came violin, then, they mixed together, afterwards joining by guitar. And let me tell you about guitar – I love, when someone plays guitar. I always had wanted to pick up guitar but never got around to. Then, the lyrics came. I got up. I don’t know, was it instinct or what, but I had to see. I had to see the person, who was singing that song. So, slowly, step by step, I found myself through crowd, in front line, seeing a guy on a bench with a guitar. One girl was playing piano and other was playing violin. Here I was, looking mesmerized at the guy playing guitar and singing. Then, out of the blue, the guy looks at me, keeps singing and smiles. I blushed. I could not help but to flush red. Thank god the crowd was in the dark, and my face was not in the light. It was so stupid. I felt so stupid but that song meant a lot to me. Song ended, everyone applauded and I went to set by the counter. The barman was named Jonathan.
- ‘Can I get anything for you?’ He asked. I was about to order another glass of beer but a voice startled me.
- ‘Two beers, please.’ Said a voice. And of course, ironically, it had to be the same guy, who sang. I tried to hide my face. Barman noticed and winked at me. I wanted to disappear. I was so embarrassed.
- ‘Not many people know that song.’ The voice said. I was still not brave enough to turn my head towards him. I hoped maybe, just maybe he was talking to barman, as if he knew him.
- ‘I know you can hear me, and you are blushing like hell.’ He had to say that. And here I was, coughing. I choked on my saliva I was trying to swallow. Barman handed me my beer and I quickly flipped the lid off against the counter. The Barman frowned, as if wanting to object but I ignored that. I gulped down two large gulps of the glass. I could breathe again.
And then, I turned. And of course, I had to find myself looking in his gorgeous warm, brown eyes, see him smiling but one feature I had not noticed – his clothes. He was a soldier.
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels