Unthinkable Love
I moaned as he teased me by licking the very tip of my rock hard cock. He gazed up at me with those amazing eyes and then without warning he slid his lips over my dick. It was all I could do not to shout in ecstasy. He started to slide his lips up and down my cock as he reached his hands underneath me and pulled my mid-section into him. I marveled at the naked man hunched over me and thought I might die of happiness. Some of the water from the shower we had just shared was still on him making his muscles glisten. A watched as a drop of water rolled from his neck, down his bare chest. I was debating if I should pull my dick from his mouth so that I could lean over and lick the droplet from his abbes when He started picking up the pace and I could feel I was close. I started moaning louder, letting him know how much pleasure I felt.
He gazed up at me with smiling eyes and then started pumping my cock even faster. "Yes, yes, yes," I chanted as I felt the tingle at the base of my dick. I almost screamed as my cum went flying into the air. It arched up, three or four feet high, before raining down on my bare chest. I looked down at my dick and a wave of disappointment came over me as reality told me it was my hand and not someone's mouth that had giving my that amazing orgasm. I lay there for a couple minutes catching my breath before I glanced over at the clock and saw what time it was. "Time to get on with the rest of my to do list." I quickly sprang from the bed and ran down to the bathroom. Stepping into the shower, I washed the cum off of me. After quickly drying myself off, I ran to my little brother's room to get the next thing on my list. I rummaged through his draws until I found a pair of clean underwear. I swiftly stepped into them and pulled them on. They were snug but that's how I needed them to be for my tennis lessons. I quickly ran back to my room put clothes on, grabbed my tennis bag and then ran for the front door.
When I was half way to my car I realized that I had forgotten to put shoes on. "Come on, Jack. Don't loose your cool." After running back to get my shoes I hopped into my car and pulled out of the drive way. Glancing at the clock on the dashboard, I estimated that I would only have to speed a little to get to my lesson on time. In my head I went over my list and mentally checked off what I had done. First, I had jacked off. Second, I had my little brothers underwear on. "Good, that should keep me from getting a boner." It had taken me a little while to perfect the process but I had it down now. I had a whole routine I went through every time I had a tennis lesson. As I got closer to the park where my lesson would be, my heart started pounding a little faster. I kicked myself mentally for getting excited. I quickly turned on the radio trying to occupy my mind with something else but my mind kept going back to him. The guy I had dreamt about as I jacked off. The guy I was going to meet at the courts.
My tennis instructor, Dan. As I pulled into the parking lot of the park, I saw Dan's car parked over by the tennis courts. I pulled into the spot next to his van and then searched the courts for him. A smile spread across my face when my eyes found him and I looked him over. He wore a blue muscle shirt that fit him well and showed off his biceps, white shorts that ending just above the knees, and white tennis shoes. I almost started to drool at the sight of him. His dark hair and eyes, lean but muscular build, and tanned skin. I quickly looked away when my dick started to twitch and grabbed my bag. "Hey!" He called to me as I climbed out of my car.
"Hey." I answered back lamely.
"Well, let's start with our warm ups." He instructed once I had reached the
courts and set my stuff down. Dan reached up to the sky stretching his arms and
back. I noticed the bottom of his shirt rise and caught I quick glimpse of his
amazing abs and as we got on the ground I positioned myself to see up his shorts
as we stretched. "You're crazy…" I scolded myself.
"Ok, you ready to lose?" Dan asked after a minute or so of stretching.
"Why are you talking to yourself?" I asked grabbing my racket and heading
towards the other side of the net.
"Oooh smart guy." He jested back.
I had been taking lessons from Dan all through high school so the friendly
banter was a familiar part of my lessons. Quickly we had an intense match going.
I was now almost at the same skill level as he was so my lessons with Dan were
really more for practice than instruction.
"You know the US open is coming up?" Dan asked, serving the ball.
"Yeah." I answered, slicing the ball back over to him.
"I was planning on going to it. Would you be interested in going with me? Your
dad thinks it would be a good experience for you and he said he would pay for
I stopped, stunned. The ball flew right past me. "What?"
"I talked to your dad and he said that it would be a good experience for you
since you'll be going off to play tennis at college in a couple months."
My heart leapt! Go on a trip with Dan? "Are you serious?" I asked.
"Yes." He laughed at my disbelief. "Oh and by the way, you just lost the game."
"You ready for this?" Dan asked as I climbed into the passenger seat.
"Oh yeah." I answered buckling my seat belt. It was only a week since my lesson
when I had been told I would being going on this trip but for me it felt like an
eternity. Three whole days with just me and Dan. Not that anything would ever
happen really. I had to constantly remind myself that Dan was 31 and married.
Even though I dreamed of a romantic weekend with him I doubted greatly he had
anything close in mind. For the first hour of the drive our conversation was
mainly on tennis and who we wanted to see play when we got to the Open but then
Dan switched over to a little more personal subjects. "So you seeing anyone?" He
asked me.
I froze not knowing what to say. I had never told anyone that I was gay and I had gotten by easily enough in the past but lately situations like this kept arising. "It's only natural that people are going to ask.." I reminded myself. I was eighteen, had an athletic build, and I was fairly popular in school. People just assumed that a guy like me would have some cheerleader hanging on me at all times or something like that. I decided to just play it cool and not make a big deal about it and maybe he would change the subject. "Nope, I'm to good for girls." I tried to joke.
Dan laughed and I hoped that was a sign that he bought what I said. "Does that mean you haven't found a girl that you like or the girl you like doesn't like you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes trying not to let him see my anxiety. I tried to answer with something smart.
"It means that I don't have time for a relationship with training for college this fall and everything."
Dan was about to say something in reply but thankfully his phone rang just then interrupting him. I blew out a sigh of relief and hoped that he would forget what we had been discussing when he got of the phone. I pondered over what would happen if anyone ever found out that I was gay. My parents would freak for sure, my dad being a pastor and all. I could just see the disappointment and anger on his face. I looked over at Dan and thought that he would probably have the same reaction. He was a Sunday school teacher at my church! "Stop thinking about that!" I scolded myself. I promised myself that I would never be dumb enough to let anyone find out about my sexuality. Just incase Dan wanted to return to our earlier discussion, I reclined my seat and pretended to take a nap. As I laid there, I chanced a couple glances at him. He must not have shaved this morning because he had slight five-a-clock shadow.
His lips were parted as he listened to whoever was on the phone and I could see his perfect white teeth. I started to imagine what it would be like to kiss him but quickly reprimanded myself. "Don't give yourself a boner while your in the same car with him!" I closed my eyes again and tried to think about something else but my thoughts somehow found their way back to Dan no matter what I thought about. I remembered the time about a year ago when Dan and I had gotten so hot during one of my lessons we decided to take a quick dip in the lake at the park. I thought I was going to die when he took of his shirt. His chiseled abs and pecs turned more then a couple heads that day. We hadn't had our swim suits with us so we just swam in our shorts. Dan had on some white ones and I had hopped silently that they would turn see through when wet. As we finished swimming, I found that my hope had come true. Dan's shorts had turned totally transparent and you could see clearly his black briefs underneath. When Dan noticed he let out a little yelp and ran up the small beach and wrapped his shirt around his waist. Suddenly Dan's voice brought me back to the present. "What are you smiling about?" He asked.
I could have kicked myself. I'd been smiling at my memory of Dan. "No one
smiles when they sleep, stupid." I reprimanded myself. I tried to quickly think
of something to say but my mind went blank.
"I was remembering the time we went swimming after my lesson." I answered hoping
that he would think I had been smiling about the humor of the situation. Dan
shook his head in disgust. "Am I ever going to live that down?" He asked with
mock frustration.
"Nope." I chuckled. "For as long as you live I will keep reminding you of the
time you walked around in the park in nothing but your underwear."
Dan chucked the map he had been holding at me. "I was not wearing "nothing
but my underwear." I had shorts on!"
"Yeah, clear shorts." I reminded.
"Ok, be quiet and try to find the exit we're supposed to take. We're getting
I found the exit on the map and not long after that we pulled into the parking lot of our hotel. As we parked, I glanced at my phone and saw that it was now 11:04 pm. I moaned as I remembered we had to get up around six the next morning to get to the first matches on time. I noticed the parking lot was packed as we headed toward the entrance. Dan explained it was probably because of the US open. "Good thing I made reservations."
After five minutes we had our keycard and room number. We made a trip back out to the van for our bags then headed up to our room. "What floor our we on?" I asked as we got into the elevator.
"The seventh." Dan replied. As I scanned the buttons over to find the seventh floor I quickly realized that it was the top floor. I knew that generally the higher you went in the chain hotels, the nicer your room was. "Maybe we have a suit?" I thought.
When we got to the seventh floor it didn’t take us long to find our room. As we entered I quickly realized that I had been right about having a suit. The first room we entered was a rather spacious combination kitchen and living room. There were two doorways to the right that led to what I presumed to be two bedrooms and on the left, a door that led to a bathroom. I tried to mask my disappointment at the two bedrooms. I had hoped that we would have a room together with two beds. I had imagined Dan coming out of the bathroom after a shower with nothing but a towel around his waist and searching for clean clothes in his bag. I had also imagined several times Dan dramatically throwing the towel off and asking me to suck his hard dick but I knew that was more of a stretch. I supposed that I still my get the chance to see him in a towel or his underwear even though we didn't have the same room. "You can put your stuff in there." Dan gestured towards the bedrooms. "I have to make a quick pit stop."
With that he dropped his bags and walked briskly to the bathroom. I chuckled and headed to the first door but when I opened the it, I found something much different then a bedroom. It was a hot tub! I set my bags down and walked into the room in disbelief. As I studied the room, I found that it was more like a big bathtub then a hot tub. "A bathtub for two?" I quickly dismissed the thought. It must have simply been a really nice hot tub. I shrugged gathering my stuff and walking out. I closed the door and then went to the next one. "I guess I will be sharing a room with Dan." I thought, my mood brightening. As I opened the door to the second room again I was shocked. Instead of finding two beds like I had assumed I would, I found one. It was what I always had thought of as a princess bed. The ones with the tall bed post in each corner that stretched up almost to the ceiling and had veils hanging down like a canopy. "What in the world?" I muttered. Just then Dan came up behind me with this bags. "Is this the right room number?" I asked him.
"Yeah, It's the number that the lady at the desk gave me. Why?" He asked.
"Oh nothing. I just thought it would have two beds." I said shrugging.
"Oh… thought we could use the extra space and the only suit they had that wasn't
already reserved was this one." Dan explained. I didn't know why but I got the
fleeting feeling that something in Dan answer wasn't quiet right. I shrugged and
told myself I was imagining things.
"If you want your own bed we can try to switch rooms." Dan asked.
"No." I answered, maybe a little too quickly because Dan gave me a look. "This
is fine…" I finished awkwardly.
"Good." Dan said crossing to the bed and dropping his bag. "We should
probably get to bed. We have an early morning."
I moaned my protest. "Your not supposed to get up early in the summer. It's like
treason or something."
Twenty minutes later I had brushed my teeth and changed into some gym shorts and a t-shirt. I sat on the bed and waited for Dan, not knowing for sure how he wanted to do the whole sleeping situation. He had made it sound as if we would be sharing the bed but I didn't want to seem to hasty if he had really meant one of us would be on the coach in the other room and one of us would be on the bed. I heard the bathroom door open and my heart did a little flip. As Dan entered the bedroom though I was a little disappointed in his choice of sleepwear. He wore a plain long sleeved shirt and pajama bottoms. "You sure it's ok if we share the bed?" Dan asked putting his toiletries back into his bag. "I could sleep on the coach if that would make you more comfortable."
"No it's really fine." I assured him, trying to do my best to not make it obvious that I wanted him to sleep in the same bed as me.
Dan flicked off the light and I climbed into bed. Dan went around to the other side of the bed and slipped under the covers. After Dan settled in and the rustling of the covers stopped the room went totally silent. I thought that maybe Dan would make a little small talk before going to sleep but the only noise you could here was the sound of our breathing. As I laid there I felt my dick slowly starting to grow. "No. Stop it!" I told myself. I was simply lying in the same bed as Dan and I was getting a boner. Then all of a sudden Dan threw off the covers, jumped out of bed and switched on the lamp. He stared at me with his beautiful piercing eyes. I was so shocked and confused I didn't know what to do but lay their looking back at him.
"Are you gay, Jack?" He asked me. I sat there totally stunned. "Why would he
ask me that?" I asked myself. Had I done something to give myself away?
"I asked you a question, Jack. Are you gay?" He said sternly.
"Why?" I asked my voice quavering.
"Why?" He repeated and then turned and began to pace like he was debating in his
head how he should answer.
"What? Did I do something…" I started but didn't know how to finish. Dan turned
back and looked at me.
"I asked you because…" He began, as he slowly crossed back to the bed. "Because
this past year has been different when we met for your lessons."
My heart plummeted. Dan had seen right through me. He had seen my attraction
to him and now he had enough of it.
"I don't know why exactly." He continued. "It probably had a lot to do with you
getting older and your body changing. I started to see you as more of a man than
the boy I used to teach. I started to notice the muscle you were building and
the…" Dan paused. "I started thinking of you as I went about my days."
My mind was spinning. I was trying to comprehend what he was saying but as Dan moved closer and closer to the bed my mind just kept getting foggier. "I started to think of what it would be like to… to kiss you. When you would take your shirt off playing tennis I would imagine you taking off the rest of your clothes too."
I couldn't believe what Dan was saying. These were things that I had been doing and thinking. Was he playing some joke on me?
"I tried not to, believe me. But I couldn't get you off of my mind. I fell in love…" Dan paused as he sank down onto the bed. "I fell in love with you."
Before I could react to anything, Dan leaned over and kissed me softly on the lips. My head started to tingle and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. But just as soon as he brought his lips to mine, he pulled away. I reached around and caught the back of his head and pulled him back. Our lips met again but this time he didn't pull away. Soon Dan's arms had encircled me and he pulled me against his body. For a second I almost pulled away, embarrassed about my rock hard dick but then as our bodies met I felt his own boner press against mine and I forgot all about my insecurity. He pulled me even closer and started to grind his dick into mine. I moaned into his lips with pleasure. Then just like that he pulled away. I thought something was wrong when suddenly he ripped my shirt off over my head. He bought his lips down to my neck and starting kissing me passionately.
He slowly made his way with his mouth down across my chest. Once He got to my belly button he stopped to circle his tongue around it. I moaned and started running my fingers through his hair. After my belly button, he slid his tongue to the top of my shorts and worked his tongue down into my underwear. Then like a wild animal he grabbed my shorts and underwear and ripped them down. He grabbed my solid cock in his hand and looked up at me with his sexy eyes. I wanted to scream, it felt so good to have him even touching my dick. Then while keeping his eyes locked on to mine he lowered his lips to the base of my cock and started to kiss it. He ran his lips all the way up to the top and then slid it into his mouth. I had never felt anything like it in my entire life. No amount of jacking off would ever do this justice. "Oh Dan… Oh Dan." I muttered between my moans and grunts of pleasure.
As I got closer to shooting my cum I arched my back and pushed up into him but then Dan stopped. I looked at him confused and He smiled ruefully back at me. He leaned over and kissed me then whispered into my ear. "I want you inside of me." Then without waiting for an answer he stripped off his shirt and pajamas. My cock grew even harder then before as I gazed at his beautiful naked body. Dan lay back onto his back and spread his legs. I scooted toward him hesitantly, positioning my wet cock. Then with only Dan's spit for lube, I pushed my dick into him. He moaned as I started to slide my dick in and out, faster and faster. I started to moan along with him as the tingle started at the base of my cock. I picked up my pace even more and started to push further into Dan. Dan reacted by grunting each time I thrusted into him, which turned me on even more. I shot my load into Dan and let out a soft yell of ecstasy.
After pumping every last drop of cum into his ass, I slowly pulled my dick out and gazed down at him. He was perfect. The light covering of hair on his chest, which I normally disliked but on Dan it seemed perfect, the slight happy trail that went down to his pubes, his rock hard dick that was oozing precum onto his wonderful abs, his muscled thighs, and defined calves. Then I looked up at his face and he was smiling at me with a glint in his eyes. I fell on top of him and he wrapped his arms around me. Kissing me he told me that he loved me.
"I love you too." I answered back. Then without warning, he flipped me over and had me in a crawling position. He thrust his cock up my ass and for a quick moment I felt a shock of pain but after that all I felt was love.
When a man can have any other person he wishs, he finds one that he would trade it all away for, and their darkest secrets are brought forth, and it only brings them closer together...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels