We Were So Hot For Each Other!!!
I'm a senior in high school. Just turned 18 and always horny. The only job I could find was delivering newspapers on the paper route I've had and held on to for almost 4 years.
I know I'm bisexual and I've always been cool with that. Me and my best friend went through a long phase of mutual sexual exploration that recently fizzled out. Which is fine by me since I'm ready to fuck girls now. But I need to find my first girl to fuck.
I met Derrick about 2 months ago when I was delivering the papers one afternoon. He's also 18 but almost 19 so he's almost a whole year older than me. And he definitely looks older...
I'm a white middle class kid who lives in a suburb of New York City. I'm 5 foot 11 with dark brown hair and an average to toned body depending on how much I'm working out at the time. I'm definitely cute - or that's what all the girls I've fooled around with told me - and I think they're right about that too. I have a boyish young looking face and everyone says my big brown eyes are stunning. And they really are.
And I'm well endowed too. More so than the average guy. My dick is 8 inches and thick and beautiful.
There are only 5 or 6 African American families in my town but none of the black guys at school are the reason for my intense sexual attraction to dark skinned black men. With huge dicks too -at least bigger than mine and preferably by a lot!! There's a story behind this but that's for another time. All you need to know right now is that I'm hot for guys who look specifically like this.
And Derrick is one of those guys. He's an exchange student from Chicago and he is spending a year here and attending a private school. Which is why I never saw him until I was dropping off the paper at his host family's house and he happened to be outside at the time. He said hi to me first and we started talking and we really hit it off. As two new friends who just met, with zero sexual interest or chemistry or anything else sexual between us. That just wasn't there and we had lots of other stuff to talk and laugh about.
We would hang out 2 or 3 times a week. Same thing each time. I was delivering papers and he'd be outside and we'd spend 10 or 20 or sometimes 30 or more minutes talking joking and just bullshitting. It's been almost 2 months now and I'm ready to ask him if he'd like to come over to my house and meet my family and also hang out with my friends from school.
I never got to ask him this. You'll all see why very soon.
Derrick was older and taller and bigger and generally more mature than me, probably due to the burdens of living as a black kid in this racially fucked up country. He could see immediately that I wasn't the usual white 18 year old guy since I really don't have any racial issues or hangups. I didn't then and I still don't as of today. Trust me I'm no saint and I have plenty of other biases which are just as stupid logically but they're not racially based. That's rare for a white kid like me. Derrick told me this the second time we hung out and that he really felt lucky to meet a guy like me and avoid all the racial black/white discomfort and other bullshit that gets in the way of any kind of interracial relationship.
And we could talk openly and tell each other what we really were thinking and feeling without that racial bullshit too. Derrick usually led the conversation and I played along.
He recently moved our conversations to sexual topics. That began about 10 days ago when Derrick told me there were lots of hot looking babes in his school and most of them were either hot or just curious or maybe a mix of both - in terms of fooling around with him since he was the only black guy in the entire school. They always came to him and he told me how they loved sucking his huge black dick and feeling it inside them when he was fucking them - and fucking them good.
"Every white babe out there loves a big black dick," Derrick told me after that. To be funny but also to tell it like it really is. And he was telling me about two different things too: about the white girls and also about his own dick and he told me lots of times he has a really huge dick.
Then Derrick said something that got me really excited. "I could get 3 or 4 of those hot girls I already fucked to all come over here on a Friday or Saturday night when the couple hosting him was out for the night. Which they did almost every weekend and usually both Friday and Saturday nights. And I'll make sure you're here with us and I'll definitely get you laid finally. If you got a decent size dick - so do you?"
I had to answer him to keep this idea alive so I told him my dick was 8 inches long. Derrick's reply to that was this: "8 inches huh. That's a big dick for a white boy. Those girls will be very happy with your dick" We both laughed. And then this: "But my big black dick is much bigger than 8 inches. A lot fucking bigger. That's why every white girl wants a big black dick."
I needed all this prodding to finally kick start my gay and big black dick slut engine and when it started running I looked at Derrick and for the first time ever I thought about his huge black dick and how much I wanted to see and hold and suck it. And that's why I blurted this out to him right then: "Yeah and it's not just the white girls who love big black dick. There's lots of white duded out there on that same list."
And that made things between him and me uncomfortable and strange and weird - for the first and only time. Derrick didn't say anything back to me as a reply. He just kind of stared at me with a blank face that wasn't angry or amused or anything else I could pick up as a signal of his reaction to what I just said. We stared at each other in complete silence for ni more than a minute but to me it felt like an hour. Until he changed the subject totally to something I can't remember and we said bye and I took off soon after that.
I walked away angry at myself for saying this. Not for any specific reason since it wasn't a big deal really. But I felt uneasy and anxious since I didn't know if Derrick was offended or worse than just offended or what if any damage I just did to our new friendship.
We avoided each other since then and for about 10 days totally and I calmed down over time and figured that whatever was gonna happen was gonna happen and I'll deal with it and it's not the end of the world no matter what. But I missed Derrick and our bullshit sessions which were fun but also intellectual and really refreshing.
It's now around midnight on a Saturday night and I'm back home. From Derrick's place and I was there for almost 5 hours. 5 hours that rocked my and also his worlds - big time.
He called me around 6PM. Unexpected and I was really nervous when I picked up the phone and heard his voice say "hey" to me. But my anxiety was gone as soon as he began to talk, and he did almost all the talking on the call. A thirty second call at the most and here's what he said to me:
"Listen can you come over for the night? Be here at 7PM and be sure to shower first and put on some nice clothes. You and me are cool OK?" I said "Sure, I'll be there at 7:00 let me jump into the shower right now." That was it and then we both hung up.
I could only think of one thing that could be going on. Derrick and his hot white babes. At his place for the whole night. And me there with them too. I'm gonna fucking get laid!!!
What else could it be? I took a long shower and washed every inch of my body - and I mean everywhere!!! - and then I did it all a second time. Then I went through my closet and put on some nice but not at all formal or dressy clothes and my new pair of squeaky clean sneakers and when the clock hit 5 minutes before 7PM I took off to Derrick's place. After I made up some bullshit lie about going to my best friend's house with some other buddies which I did all the time and new my mom and dad would believe with zero doubt.
I walked over to his place telling myself again and again to be myself and be cool and don't freak out or freeze and don't say anything stupid to the hot babes. They knew why they were going to Derrick's house and he'll have my back and do his usual smooth thing to get me and them comfortable and feeling sexy and horny and ready for some fun.
I rang the doorbell and Derrick let me in. His hair was still wet since he just got out of the shower and he was wearing only a pair of boxers and nothing else since he was in the middle of getting dressed when I got there.
But there were no girls there. Not yet I thought at first and I'm sure they'll be showing up soon. But they didn't and they weren't coming because Derrick didn't ask them to come over at all.
Which was the first thing he apologized to me for. "I know you think I've got some girls coming over to hang out with us and I didn't actually say that on the phone but that's what I implied and I did that to you intentionally. I'm so sorry but I hope you'll forgive me. I did it for a reason and it's very important to me and I really need to talk to you about some personal stuff of mine. Heavy stuff too. And I didn't want to tell you that on the phone since it might have freaked you out totally."
My reply: "Forgiven and forgotten. You're my friend and now I'm concerned about you. So start talking"
And he did just that: "I've been lying to you about something and I've been lying to everyone else I've known in all my life about that same thing too. I decided I need to stop the lying or at least with you - at first and then I'll see after that."
This could only be the prelude to one thing and I figured it out already from just that. Derrick is gay and he's coming out to me since I'm the close friend he chose to tell and I'm also the only one here in New York he knows well enough to tell this to.
So I told him to stop and let me say one thing. Which was this: "I figured it out already. You're gay and I'm the first one you've ever come out to. Great for you that you're brave enough to finally tell someone but who the fuck cares about if you or me or anyone likes fucking boys or fucking girls or fucking both boys and girls in the first place. I don't like you less or more one drop either way no matter who you like or don't like to have sex with. That's your personal stuff."
I realized I was coming on too strong so I put my hand on Derrick shoulder and then went on: "Sorry that didn't come out exactly like I intended. What I mean is you're my close friend and I'm so happy you decided to share your personal secret with me - not for my sake but for yours because I really care about you and I'm sure you feel better by letting this out and not keeping it all to yourself. But for me this is just like race - it's totally irrelevant in terms of how I look at a person. And if this makes you feel a little better I'll tell you something about me that I never told anyone else. I've been sucking my best friend's dick for years and lots and lots of times. Bad news for me his dick is three inches long at the most. No bullshit it really is. Poor fucking guy."
This was the perfect line from me to him and it broke the ice and killed off all the anxiety and tension and discomfort - all on his side since I was cool all the way. We both laughed and then he hugged me - a hug of thank you to your friend or your mom to say thank you so very very much for this. Only that and no more since even a total slut for a big black dick who is so close to getting his first ever real one in his life - which I knew I was even back then - wouldn't take advantage or manipulate a close friend in this situation for his own sexual satisfaction.
Then I asked him this: "So what's up with the shower and the nice clothes if there are no girls coming?" His reply was: You'll know why after I tell you the second thing I need to tell you and need to tell you right now." I told him to go ahead and so he did:
"You are beyond just awesome and beyond just cool. You're smarter than fuck, funnier than fuck, you're open and honest, you're a great person to converse with, you're curious, trusting, and a totally great person. You are unique and I wanted to be your friend as soon as we met for the first time. And until you said that thing about white girls and white guys and big black dicks I thought that was all there was between you and me. But I was lying to myself the whole time and trying my best to ignore what I now don't need to ignore since you know I'm gay...
I'm so so attracted to you - sexually. But more than just physically sexually, I want us to become intimate emotionally too by having sex together.
Are you okay with all this or am I freaking you out? Please respond with your true feelings and whatever they are and whatever you say back to me, please let's still be close friends and I'll do everything I can to make that happen because I want that either way and no matter how you react to all this."
Then he stopped and I just looked right into his eyes, trying to think up the right words to answer him with. I already knew the bottom line and I gave up on thinking of the right words to say and instead of that I move closer to him and kissed him with my mouth wide open. He kissed me bad of course and we made out for about two minutes until I couldn't wait any longer to ask him this question:
"So you never told me exactly what huge means in terms of your huge dick. Can I find out myself with my hands and my mouth?"
I didn't wait for an answer and no answer was really needed anyway. I just got down on my knees and watched Derrick pull down and then take off completely his one piece of clothing. His dick was about 75% of the way to full boner mode but that was enough to confirm one thing. Derrick has a huge fucking monster dick!!! He told me later the exact measurement which is 11 inches plus a tiny bit more. My guess right at that moment was 10.5 so I was pretty close. I put that big thing in my mouth and licked it until it was totally hard and big and the short version of what happened after that is the following:
I gave Derrick my first of many blow jobs. Mouth and one hand. Mouth and two hands. Mouth only no hands. Hand only no mouth. Dirty talk and erotic eye to eye contact. His hands caressing my head softly. Me licking his balls once or twice. And then he came - in my mouth which I told him is how I wanted him to do it. And whatever didn't go down my throat when he shot it out got licked off by me afterwards. From both my face and his dick.
I waited until it was all over and done with to tell him I just gave him my first ever blowjob to completion and it also was the first time any guy ever came in my mouth as well. He said I was lying at first since no rookie could possibly suck his first ever dick of his life half as well as I just sucked his. But I knew he believed from the start which he then told me he really did.
We had almost 3 months until he had to go back home to Chicago. We had sex as often and for as long a time each time we hooked up, and we did as much to and with each other that we could each time as well. And every time was so fucking hot. Kissing groping I suck his dick he sucks my dick and he fucks me but I never fucked him and by mutual preference.
I might write again about one of those later hookups we had, or I might never get to it.
But the first time sex encounter with someone new - boy or girl it's the same for both - is unique and special no matter what you did or didn't specifically do together that first time. And everyone remembers their first time - or times if you're bisexual like I am.
Hope you all enjoyed this. And I really really wish this actually happened to me in my real life and isn't just only one of my many sexual fantasies that haven't become reality for me - yet....
[Not Sexual]. A suffering lad dares to run away from his abusive father, but gets kidnapped. What happens to him he never expected... This is NOT a wankfest book.
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels