When Dreams Come True

(Part 1 from 2. Fiction.)

*** Michael's answer to "Only One Day Away".

I woke up slowly, reluctantly, not wanting to come out of the dream I was having. If I had my way, I would stay in it forever. It was the same dream that I had had on and off for nearly two years now. Not that I’d had the dream often, I think this was only about the seventh or eighth time but I knew it well. The problem was that just as it was beginning to get really interesting, I woke up. Each time that I had the dream, I’d tried to stay in it for as long as possible but whenever I reached the same point, it started to fade.

I sat up in bed, disappointed yet again. I shifted uncomfortably, aware of the sticky mess in my shorts, the result of the dream on every occasion. I pulled the waistband of my shorts away from my body and took a look inside. The milky white mess of my semen matted my pubic hair and the head of my dick was shiny with it. I needed to jump in the shower before I tackled anything else. I released my shorts with a snap.

An after image of the little spider hung in front of my eyes. I closed my eyes and tried to recall the face from the dream. At first it was as clear as day, but as I tried to focus on a particular feature, it began to fade. I knew that in an hour or so, I wouldn’t be able to remember much about it apart from the vivid blue eyes and the blond hair. It was the same every time. Of course, that little damn spider was with me constantly. It was the only thing that I could remember with absolute clarity.

I had a shower to get rid of the stickiness on my groin and prepared myself for another day of contractors and decorators. The Sunset Motel had been closed for a week for extensive renovations and additions. I was having a set of new rooms built on the east side and a swimming pool and sauna put in. Business had been very good over the last year and I had decided to plough my considerable profits into re-modeling. It also meant that I could take a fairly long break but after a week of haggling with various contractors, I began to think it wasn’t as great as it had seemed at first. Now I couldn’t wait until it was all finished and I could re-open.

The day flew by with very few problems which was a pleasant change. As the afternoon came to a close, I began to feel restless, almost as if I had forgotten to do something important. The last of the contractors left just after five and I was alone again at last. The strange feeling persisted on into the evening and I started to get a little worried that maybe I had forgotten something vital. I did a quick circuit of the new additions but could not find anything wrong. Eventually, I put it down to anxiety. I was eager to get the work over and done with so that things could get back to normal.

I didn’t feel like cooking anything for myself for dinner so I raided the box of chips and candy that I had removed from the vending machine when I’d closed down. Left in the machine, things tended to go stale so I kept them in a box in my office and allowed the painters and contractors to help themselves.

I sat down to watch a bit of television but there was nothing of interest on apart from a talk show. The presenter was interviewing some dark haired writer. I never caught his name but the look of him perked my interest. I watched for a few minutes but then the feeling that had been bugging me became a little more intense. Why, I don’t know, but I noticed that when I changed the channel, the strange feeling seemed to ease off a bit. I decided to watch a video instead but just couldn’t concentrate so I switched it off.

I wandered aimlessly around the motel, poking my head into the empty rooms. The night was warm and very quiet. There was hardly any traffic on the highway and after a while the silence began to get to me. I went into the cafe and turned on the juke box, chose a record and turned up the volume. After a couple of minutes, I got bored with it so I switched it off.

What the hell was wrong with me? I’d never been so restless or quite so agitated like this and I began to think that I might be going a little crazy. I slumped into one of the armchairs in the reception lobby and sat staring into space. I closed my eyes and suddenly there, in my mind’s eye, I saw that damned little spider again. It was almost black with a red blotch on its abdomen which I assumed was supposed to be an hour glass shape. I opened my eyes quickly and the little black widow disappeared.

I got up and went to the front entrance of the motel. I looked out into the parking lot and glared at the sign that said “No Vacancies”. Damn, I’d forgotten about it. It was permanently on now which was how it should be at the moment, but the problem was that it was always permanently on. I flicked the switch by the door but nothing happened. The “No” part of the sign stayed on. I made a mental note to have the damn thing fixed before I opened up again.

Then I heard the sound of a car approaching and slowing down. I straightened and watched as a blue sedan came into view. It slowed as if to pull in but then started to pick up speed to drive by. Without realizing what I was doing, I waved at the driver to pull in but he ignored me and carried on.

As the sound of the car’s engine diminished, I went back inside. Why had I waved for him to come in when we were closed? I don’t know. Nuts!! I couldn’t take in any overnighters right now, not without any staff anyway. Strangely, I felt a little disappointed that the driver hadn’t come in. It would have been nice to have a bit of company, I was beginning to go a little stir crazy.

I decided to close up for the night and go to bed. I had little else to do and maybe, just maybe I might have that dream again. This, I knew was nothing but false hope because the dream never came to me two nights running. Sadly, it would be weeks before I had it again and with this thought, the odd feeling I was having intensified. Could it be linked to the dreams? I shook my head to clear it and picked up the bag of trash next to the door.

As I stepped out into the night, a car pulled into the parking lot. It was the same blue car that had driven by a few minutes before. As I walked around to the side of the building to dump the trash bag into the dumpster, the car came to a stop and a man got out. From what I could see by the parking lot lamps, he was about my age and tall with dark hair. He was dressed for the warm night, in a pair of well fitted jeans and a white cotton shirt.

He stood next to his car and watched as I threw the trash bag into the dumpster. I slammed the lid of the dumpster closed, walked around to the front of the building and stopped and waited for him.

“So you came back.” I called out. “Are you coming in or not?”
Why I invited him in, I don’t know. Maybe I would let him stay over for the night, I mean, he did look very tired and at this point I could probably use a bit of company.
“I, er . . no! I mean yes . . I don’t know . . !” He mumbled.

“Let’s make up our minds, shall we?” I quipped, beginning to think that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. The guy seemed very nervous, jittery.
“But your sign . . it says ‘No Vacancies’ . . !” He said uncertainly and pointed at the malfunctioning sign.
“Oh, don’t worry about that.” I said deciding that even a jittery guy’s company was better than nothing. “It’s busted. I’ve been meaning to get it fixed.”

He stood there uncertainly so I turned to go inside but then I stopped and faced him again.
“Well?” I said. “Are you coming in?”
He hesitated, looked around as if something was bothering him and then just stared at me.

I shrugged my shoulders, turned and went inside. If he wanted to stand out there all night, he was quite welcome to. It’s a free country, after all.

I went through the office door behind the counter and started closing up for the night. I shut the windows and locked them. Even though the motel was in the middle of nowhere, I never knew what might happen so I took all the precautions. Then I heard movement out in the reception lobby and I knew that the guy from the blue car had come in. I turned off the air conditioner in the office and went out to greet him. I plastered a welcoming smile on my face as I came up to the counter. I had been right about his age, about thirty with very dark brown hair and bright sapphire blue eyes, an unusual combination.

He had an almost olive complexion which seemed to make his eyes seem more brilliant than they really were. His face was finely featured and well proportioned with high cheekbones and clean cut lines. He had a finely muscled body, his chest fairly broad with a narrow slim waist. His body was that of a gymnast without being overly muscular. He was quite hairy too, I noticed. Chest hair peaked out of the open neck of his white cotton shirt and his bare forearms were evenly coated with the same dark hair. I smiled inwardly. Nice and cute and hairy, I thought, just how I like ‘em.

“Hi.” I said. “So you decided to come in after all.”

“Oh . . yeah.” He mumbled half-heartedly. I began to think that maybe he wasn’t quite all there because he seemed to be very distracted. His blue eyes looked me up and down and then focused on my face. They seemed to cloud over a little and I knew that he was looking at my scar. It can be a little off putting to some people; for some reason it scared them. I had become quite used to it over the years so it didn’t bother me at all.
“How long are you staying?” I asked to draw his attention away from the ragged white slash down my face.

“Um . . just tonight.” He replied nervously. I could sense that he was still pretty agitated, almost like he didn’t want to be here. He was fidgeting, like he had a worrisome burden in his jeans. Maybe my dangerous looking face was scaring him a little. What the hell? Did he think I was going to jump over the counter and attack him? Of course if I did, it would be for an entirely different reason.

I grinned inwardly at a sudden thought; maybe he did have a worrisome burden in his jeans – let’s hope that it’s a generous one! I couldn’t see his package right now, the damn counter was in the way. I suddenly realized that my mind was going off onto one track. What the hell, I berated myself, the guy’s been here for about five minutes and all you can think about is dick! Time to get yourself a lover, I thought. I forced myself to concentrate on the present.

“Just passing through then.” I said and picked up a pen.
“Yeah.” He said. “On my way home.” Then his eyes glazed over as if his thoughts had taken off on an entirely different tangent. This guy seemed to be pretty complicated and was obviously carrying a lot of emotional baggage.
“Okay!” I said brightly and he suddenly seemed to focus. I held the pen out to him.

“Can you fill in the register please.” I indicated the book on the counter in front of me. For some odd reason, as he took the pen, the light touch of his fingers on mine was electric. I put my hand back on the counter terribly aware of the tingly feeling running through my knuckles.

His hand shook slightly as he wrote and I half wondered why such a seemingly nice guy was so nervous. Surely I wasn’t that scary. When he had finished, I swung the book around and glanced at it.
“Damien Turner from Tulsa.” I read out loud. “Welcome to the middle of nowhere, Damien Turner.” I grinned at him to try and put him at ease. He still seemed a little jumpy.

“Thank-you.” He replied and relaxed somewhat and the tension in his face seemed to disappear, his features evened out and suddenly he seemed very familiar to me. I studied his face carefully and realized that I certainly knew him from somewhere. There was definitely something about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

“We haven’t met before, have we?” I asked.
“No, I don’t think so.” He said. “I would have remembered your . . !” He stopped, embarrassed.

I lifted my hand slowly and lightly touched the scar on my face.
“This?” I asked with a small smile. “Yeah, I guess you would have remembered it. It’s all people seem to see.”
“Look.” He said. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to . . !”
“No no, it’s okay, I’m used to it.” I reassured him. “Most times I forget it’s there.”

“Um . . it’s really not . . that bad, you know.” He said softly, hesitantly.
“Yes it is, I have a mirror; but thanks anyway.” I said and smiled broadly to ease his discomfort.
We stood looking at each-other awkwardly for a moment.

“Um . . is there someplace that I can get something to eat? I’ve been on the road for hours and I didn’t think to stop anywhere.” He asked and glanced around the reception room casually.
“I’m sorry but we’re closed for renovations so there’s no kitchen staff.” I said apologetically. “Actually, I’m alone here at the moment.” I finished and gave him another broad smile.
“Oh!” He said and his finely arched brows shot up in surprise. “Then why are you letting me . . ?” He left the question hanging.

“I don’t know.” I said a little puzzled at why I had checked him in. “Maybe because I could see how tired you were when you arrived and I really didn’t want to turn you away. Or maybe because I felt . . !” I stopped, realizing that the feeling I’d had all day had become more intense than ever. What the hell was wrong with me, I asked myself again. I shrugged it off. Maybe I was just over-tired. “It’s odd but I really don’t know.” I finished lamely.

He stared at me with an unfathomable look in his eyes and I could almost hear his mind working overtime. At what, I couldn’t even begin to guess.
“Look, I can knock something together for you if you like.” I said with a smile. “It won’t be anything special, but it’ll fill you up.”
“Really I don’t want to put you to any trouble.” He said and glanced around again. “Isn’t there a vending machine around here somewhere?”
“Yeah.” I admitted. “But it’s empty. I cleared it out when I closed up for the renovations.”
“Oh!” He said and stood there awkwardly.

I suddenly realized that I had been staring at him the entire time. Maybe because he was so familiar and sub-consciously I was still trying to place him or maybe because I was a little attracted to him. He really was terribly cute, maybe too cute for my own good. A nice warm feeling was starting to make itself known in my groin. Okay already, I admitted to myself, a lot attracted to him.

I could see that I was beginning to make him feel awkward so I dropped my gaze and moved from behind the counter.

“Come on.” I said. “I’ll fix us something to eat. I could do with a snack myself so I’m inviting you to join me. You can leave your bag here.” I turned and started through the cafe doors. He didn’t make a move so I stopped and faced him.
“Come on.” I said again. “I insist.”

He dropped his overnight bag next to the counter and I led him through the darkened cafe into the newly re-modeled, brightly lit kitchen. He followed me silently and I could feel his eyes on my back. Thank God I’d put on my good jeans this morning. I knew that they made my butt look really great. Get yourself an eyeful buddy, I thought, enjoy!

As we walked into the kitchen, I suddenly realized that I hadn’t even told the guy who I was so I stopped to introduce myself. He bumped into me and before I moved away, I caught the faint scent of his cologne, a woody, almost musky scent which excited me beyond reason.
I stepped aside and turned to face him.

“Sorry.” I said. “Damn it I’m such a dolt, I never introduced myself. My name’s Michael, Michael Gabriel.”

I stretched out my hand and he took it. I shook his hand slowly, the feel of his warm palm against mine heightened my excitement. I reluctantly released him and stepped back. This guy was having a very odd effect on me and I couldn’t figure it out. Yes, he was very good looking in a clean cut way and just the type of guy that appealed to me. But that didn’t explain why he was getting to me, I mean, I’d met quite a few men just like him and none of them had had such a deep seated effect on me. Control yourself, I ordered my racing heart, I doubt he’d be interested in you and besides, he might not even be into guys.

I busied myself at the cooker to distract myself while he sat on a stool and watched me carefully. I threw together a couple of stuffed omelets and tipped them onto plates. I carried them through to the cafe and he followed silently. Again I could feel his eyes on my back as we went through. I hoped that he was enjoying the view. I switched on the lights and got some cutlery from the dresser.

“Sit down.” I invited. “Dig in, you must be ravenous.”
“Thanks.” He said. “It looks really good.”
He sat down and picked up a fork.

“Enjoy.” I told him and went over to a juke box in the corner. I ran my eyes down the song list, deciding on what to play. I could feel him watching me the entire time. I reached up and lightly rubbed my scar, a subconscious habit I had whenever I began to feel a little nervous. I chose a few numbers and punched in the combinations and then joined him at the table.

“That’s better.” I said as mellow, unobtrusive music began to play quietly. “A bit of atmosphere never hurt anyone.”
We ate in silence, the music filling the air gently. I watched him while we ate, becoming more certain that I had met him before. The more I studied his face, the more familiar he was to me.

He stopped eating and laid his fork on the table.
“I’m sorry.” He said apologetically. “But you’re staring at me and . . !
“Oh my God, forgive me.” I came in quickly, cutting him off. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to but you seem very familiar and I’m trying to figure it out. Are you sure we’ve never met before?”
“Positive.” He replied.

I put my fork down and despite what he’d said, I continued to stare at him. It was really beginning to bother me now. I studied his face carefully. His neatly cut dark hair, his high intelligent forehead underscored by his finely arched brows. His brilliant eyes and his straight narrow nose. His lips were sensual and slightly parted showing his white, even teeth and below that, his well defined jaw sported a strong chin. My focus went back to his startling blue eyes which were still staring at me . . !

Then it hit me. It was his eyes, those vivid blue eyes. Once I’d recognized his eyes, his whole face suddenly leapt out at me. My heart jumped into my throat when I realized who he was. This was the face from my dreams, the face that had haunted me for nearly two years, the face that I had been waiting for.
“Oh my God!” I whispered, unaware that I was speaking out loud. “Oh shit!”
“What?” He asked, his eyebrows raised questioningly.

I sat forward over the table to get a closer look at him so that I could make absolutely certain that he was the guy from my dreams.
“Oh wow, it is you!” I whispered, elated and excited. “I know it’s you.”
“It’s me what?” He asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Problem! How do you explain to a total stranger that you’ve had erotic dreams about him? How do you tell this same stranger that he has haunted you and is constantly on your mind? How do you tell him that with each successive dream, you have fallen more and more in love with him yet you’ve never actually met him. Well you can’t and more importantly, you just don’t!
I shook my head. “Well I’d rather not say, but it’s definitely you.” I said.
He sat back and folded his arms.

“Look, I don’t know what’s going on here but I think you’d better tell me. I’m really confused right now.” He began. “If it’s something that you think I might have done to you sometime then I would really like to know.”
“No no!” I said quickly, with an uncertain smile. “You’ve done nothing to me, trust me. And physically, I know we’ve never met.”
Oops, bad move, that! Lousy choice of word; I mean, ‘physically’? Really! I mentally gave myself a kick up the ass.

“You’re not making any sense.” He said, confusion furrowing his brow. “First you come out with ‘it’s you, it’s you’ like you know me and then you won’t tell me anything more. And what do mean by ‘physically’ we’ve never met? What is going on here?”
“I’m really sorry but . . !” I began apologetically and stopped. I sat back in thought for a minute and finally came to a decision. What the hell, let’s go for it and see what happens. I knew that I had to do something, anything because I would regret it if I let him drive away in the morning without at least trying. I leaned forward again.

“Okay, I’ll tell you but you’re going to think it’s really weird.” I said to try and lessen the shock of what I was about to say. I watched his face carefully. “I dreamed about you.” I finished so softly that I barely heard myself.
“You what?” He asked, as if he hadn’t heard me.
“I dreamed about you.” I said again, a little louder.
“You . . dreamed about me?” He said stunned. “But . . if we’ve never met, how can you possibly have dreamed about me?”
“That’s just it, I don’t know.” I laughed uneasily.
“But that’s impossible.” He said. “No-one ever dreams of a total stranger.”
“Yeah, I know.” I replied excitedly. “It sounds crazy but it’s true. It was definitely you in my dreams, only your hair was a lot lighter, blond. That’s why it took me a while to place you.”

He stared at me in astonishment and I could tell from his expression that at some time he had been blond. He shook his head slightly as if to clear it.
“I’m finding this a little difficult to understand.” He said.
“You and me both.” I said. “Trust me, I’m as bamboozled as you are.”
“And by the way, you’re right about the hair, but that was a couple of years ago.” He added.
“Really? Well, that’s when the dreams started.” I said.
“Dreams?” He said. “There’s been more than one?” Letting the thing about the blond hair go.

I felt myself flush at the sudden mental image of him lying naked on my bed and my groin started to tingle warmly. I smiled to try and cover it.
“Yeah.” I said. “Quite a few!”
“Okay.” He said, as if trying to come to terms with it all. “You dreamed about me ‘quite a few’ times yet we’ve never physically met, as you put it. Also, you dreamed about me when I was going through a blond phase, right?”
“Yeah, right!” I said and nodded.
“Well, this is the first time I’ve ever driven this highway. I live clear across the country and I know I’ve never been here before, to this place, yet you’ve had these dreams about me, right?” He finished.

I nodded again.
“Was I blond in all your dreams?” I asked curiously.
“Every time!” I replied shortly. He thought about it for a moment.
“You’re right, it is weird.” He said shortly.
“Yeah!” I replied with a broad grin.

He picked up his fork and continued to eat. I was a little surprised at how quickly and easily he seemed to dismiss it.
“So, what were they about?” He asked absently.

“What?” I asked, knowing full well what he wanted to know. My mind quickly tried to come up with some sort of mundane scenario but I drew a blank. I couldn’t very well tell him that in my dreams we were naked in bed together having hot uninhibited sex.
“Your dreams. What were they about?” He asked again.

His vivid blue eyes held me pinned to my chair. Again I tried to come up with something but I had no such luck. I couldn’t exactly tell him that I had an idea of what he looked like naked or even worse, what his dick looked like. I mean, his face was exactly as I’d dreamed it so it followed that it was all pretty accurate.

“Um . . nothing much really.” I went with. “Just dreams, nothing important.” Lame I know, but it was all I could think of on the spur of the moment. I flushed as an image of his cut, seven incher flashed into my mind and the warmth in my groin intensified and I felt my cock twitch and swell slightly.

“It seems to me that they must have been pretty important because of the way you reacted.” He said. He was trying to get more out of me than I was willing to admit but I wasn’t going to bite. Now was not the time.
“Well, they weren’t really. They were just . . random dreams.” I said, closing the subject down for the moment. I needed time to think because I had to handle the whole situation very carefully. I was in love with this man and he hadn’t the slightest idea. I didn’t want to scare the poor guy off. I desperately needed to get him on my side.

We finished our meal in silence. The record on the juke box changed and another mellow, almost romantic song floated around the softly lit room.

I cleared the plates from the table and took them through to the kitchen. As the door of the kitchen swung closed behind me, I slumped against the wall. I quickly put the plates on a table near me and put my hands to my head and tried to think clearly. What to do, what to do, I kept asking myself. Again, I drew a blank. All I could think of was his handsome face and how much I cared for him. I didn’t even know him yet I was desperately in love with him. The whole thing sounded crazy. I pulled myself together with the hope that at some point during the evening, the right moment for me to explain would come along. I readjusted my semi-hard package, composed myself, took a deep breath and pushed through the doors.

As I went back into the café, he stood up and asked me to show him to a room so that he could get some sleep. My heart sank. Please not now, don’t let him disappear from my life now. If I let him go to bed, the night would be over for me and I knew that he would be gone in the morning. I needed some time; time to come up with some sort of workable plan. Taking a wild chance, I put my hand on his arm.
“Don’t go yet.” I said softly. “I don’t get many visitors at the moment, being closed up and all and I would really like you to stay for a while.”

He hesitated and as he had not moved away from my touch, I squeezed his arm gently. Strangely, he did not seem to mind me touching him, maybe a small indication that he did like guys after all. I could only hope!
“Please.” I asked trying not to sound too desperate. “It can get quite lonely out here and I could use a bit of company.”

His blue eyes stared at me for what seemed like centuries and then he smiled slowly. I noticed that his smile was slightly lopsided. Wonderfully cute and dangerously sexy. Another small surge of blood in my groin told me that my cock was alive and very, very well. Maybe a little too well for its own good.
“Okay, why not.” He said. “For a short while though, I’m really quite tired.”

I opened a bottle of wine and we sat at the table and sipped it while we chatted easily. I asked him what he did for a living and he told me that he was a writer and had just been to a book signing on the other side of the country. I smiled inwardly, hope soaring through my body. A writer! Well, I thought, a writer can write anywhere. Now that his book signing and promotional tour was done, he was on his way home. Then an image of his face on television flashed in front of my eyes.

“Wait a second.” I said excitedly. “I saw you, earlier on TV, on some talk show. That was you, right?”
He nodded.
“Yeah.” He said with a smile. “I’d forgotten that it was being aired tonight.”
“Cool.” I said. “Now I’m sorry I didn’t watch the whole show.”
“You’re not missing much.” He replied with a laugh

Then he asked me how I came to be stuck out in the middle of nowhere. I told him how I’d inherited the motel from an uncle and how I had decided not to sell it, but keep it running. I lightened the mood with a couple of amusing stories about some of the people who had stayed here.

I began to feel as if we’d been close friends for a very long time. I couldn’t tear my eyes from his face and the more I looked at him, the more appealing he became. I realized that I wanted this man more than anything in the world. I wanted to love him, care for him and be with him constantly and I made up my mind that when and if an opportunity presented itself, I would make a play for him. As the evening progressed, I got more and more excited. To my relief, his tiredness seemed to slowly disappear and he no longer seemed to worry about the fact that I couldn’t stop staring at him, which was refreshing.

I knew from experience that if I stared at anyone for too long, they would become increasingly uncomfortable. I guess it’s because I have a bad habit of staring candidly at people and also because of the color of my eyes. They are such an unusual color that they have not only garnered me a lot of compliments, but some fairly rude insults too. Unlike some people I’d met, he seemed to be pretty comfortable under my orange gaze.

The juke box continued to play, one song after another. Then a song that I particularly liked came on and without thinking, I jumped up and started swaying to the music.

“I love this song.” I enthused happily and then realized that I probably seemed a little weird to him so I quickly explained myself. “You might think it’s a little crazy, but I like to dance now and then. Sometimes when I’m alone here, I put the juke box on full volume and go a little mad.”
“No, I don’t think it’s crazy at all.” He said smiling.

He watched me as I danced, his brilliant eyes never leaving me, a small lopsided smile on his sensual lips. I tossed caution to the wind, took another chance and threw him a line, hoping that he would bite.
“You should try it sometime. It’s quite liberating.” I said and went to the juke box and turned up the volume.

“Come on, try it.” I laughed. “You’ll enjoy it.”
Much to my relief he jumped up and joined me. I laughed again and gyrated my body madly.
“Go on!” I said gleefully. “Let yourself go. It’s fun.”

He spun around crazily and moved vigorously to the music. His body was well toned and lithe and he swung his hips seductively and yet another erotic image flew through my mind. Those hips, pounding hard against me . . ! I felt the sudden warmth in my groin as I developed another quick semi-hard on. And so we laughed and danced on into the evening without inhibition; with me spending most of it semi-erect.

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