Who's Crying Now? Part 3: Here Without You....
By the end of the school term, Kyle was finished with the ROTC program and he has also passed weapons training. He will be shipped out to Afghanistan; where he will serve as a Lieutenant in the US Marines. They both know when this will happen, but they know it will. As for Rusty, he graduated from college and Matt hasn't talked to him since. Kyle and Matt are now a couple and everyone in the college knows, but nobody gives a shit. Kyle sat across the table from matt in the cafeteria. "are you scared?" asked Matt. "of what?"
"being shipped out..." Matt said looking and playing with his food using a fork. "of course i am. But I think I will be ok. However, I think the hardest part is not being able to see you for god knows how long." he said trying to reassure Matt. He saw a tear form in Matt's eye. "I don't want to lose you... I have never loved someone as much as I love you Kyle." he said with a sniffle. Kyle placed bid hand on Matt's cheek; wiping away the tear. "you won't. I promise." Kyle said.
As he was comforting Matt, a man dressed in a Marine Corp ceremonial uniform walked over to the table. Matt looked up and so did Kyle. Kyle slowly stood up, "it's time?" he asked. "yes sir." the marine answered. Matt stood up and walked over to Kyle; grasping him tightly. "be safe. You hear me?!" he said crying on his shoulder. "I will. I promise." Kyle said. "lieutenant." the marine said gesturing towards the door. They broke off the hug and Kyle turned to face the door. He turned to look at Matt as he walked away and saw him collapse in his chair, sobbing into his arms.
Kyle sat on the Bench of the cargo plane as it crossed the atlantic ocean heading to Afghanistan. He looked at his standard issue M4A1 assault rifle with a fore-grip and a holographic sight. He slowly twisted it around; almost like a baseball bat. He pulled out an old picture of Matt that he took with him and looked at his beautiful smile. A smile so filled with light and happiness. "old friend?" he heard a marine say. He looked to his right and a cute soldier was looking at the picture then at Kyle. "actually he's my boyfriend." he answered back. "oh... How long have you two been together?" he asked with curiosity filling his voice.
He kept staring at the picture of his amazing boyfriend. "a year." he finally said. "I didn't expect you to be gay. You don't act gay." he said trying to scream over the planes engines. "most people say that." Kyle said still staring at the picture. "gear up! Were touching down in five!" the intercom said. We all stood up as the plane touched the ground violently. The plane soon screeched to a halt and the back ramp slowly opened, revealing the intense light from the desert sun into the dimly lit plane. They all step out and into humvees that will take them to the base. They climbed into the armored jeeps and proceeded down the road.
Kyle put in his headphones and turned on his iPod. He put on one of his favorite songs, "Red Barchetta" by his favorite band, Rush. He looked out the window at the desert sand. It seemed to be boiling because of all of the intense heat radiating off of the surface. He started to think of Matt; his beautiful eyes and charming smile always seemed to melt Kyle's Heart. "my uncle has a country place, no one knows about. He says it used to be a farm, before the motor law...." Kyle listened as Geddy Lee started to sing.
Kyle closed his eyes and thought about the time he has Spent with matt. He has never been so happy in his life. Kyle hopes that he isn't here too long because he can't live without Matt. There is just so much love and passion between the two of them, that if something happened to one of them, the other would be devastated. He smiles slightly when-
"RPG!" someone screamed. Kyle turned off his music and ripped out the headphones. Bullets were flying; ricocheting off of the truck as they stop and jump out of the trucks. BOOM! another RPG hits another truck. Bodies fly out and scatter. Kyle fired at the gun flashes; killing one of them. The .50 started opening fire as Kyle duck for his life. "these aren't insurgents!! Their Taliban!" a marine hollers. Kyle had an idea. He grabbed a grenade and pulled the pin. He let go of the trigger and counted 3 seconds. He then put the pin back in and threw it. He saw the enemy pick it up, pull the pin and it explodes, killing 3 of them.
He jumped up and fired bullet after bullet at them; risking his life to protect his men. "lieutenant! What are you doing?!" Kyle blocked out their screams. He ran out of ammo for his gun and without thinking, he pulled out both of his Colt .45 pistols and shot them with both barrels. They were all dead; every single one. Some had bullet holes in their heads, some in their chests, even in their eyes. Kyle never knew he was capable of such damage to human life. He looked at the bodies as he flies soon arrived. He turned around and walked back to the convoy as one of the radio operators reported the attack to HQ.
he breathed in and out heavily; almost as if he ran a marathon. They had 4 casualties. The trucks were still smoldering and smoke billowed from the wreckage as the smoke billows from a smoke stack of a big factory. Kyle looked around; almost like a lost puppy. He couldn't believe the carnage. Twisted metal and black smoke was all that Kyle could see. They soon radioed in what had just occurred and soon reinforcements arrived. They buried their dead and climbed back into the Humvees; heading to base camp.
They shortly arrived and the colonel briefed Kyle, His good friend from the plane, Corporal John "Soap" McKinney, Sandman, Truck, Frost, and Captain Price. "alright fellas. Were going after a rogue Russian operative by the name of Zechaev. He is ex-Spetsnaz and has built a massive army. We don't know much, but we think that he is linked to the terrorist attacks in Paris, Berlin, And London. So, as of now, we are being sent to Europe and your task force, led by Captain Price will infiltrate their command center in Al-Bakaara. Then after, were heading to Europe." he said.
[2 days later]
Matt laid on his bed in his new apartment staring at a picture if Kyle that was on his nightstand. He wished that Kyle was here with him, and not knowing if something bad happened to him killed Matt even further than he already was. He put his whole social life on hold; waiting for Kyle to make some kind of contact with him. He turned his head and stared at the empty half of his bed. Trying to pretend Kyle was there with him. It was hard for Matt to do this because the one person he cares about in the world is 7,000 miles away. He heard his phone vibrate. "Kyle?" he said into the phone.
There was a pause on the other line. "hi baby." he heard Kyle's sweet voice say into his ear. Matt started to cry. "how are you? Are you ok?" Matt said with tears of happiness flowing down his face. "yeah. I'm ok. How are things at home? Did you get that apartment?" Kyle asked with tears in his eyes as well. "yeah. And things are ok. I... I miss you. I miss you so much...." Matt said. "I miss you too baby."
"yeah Matt?"
"be careful ok?" Matt said knowing that Kyle will need to get off the phone soon. "I will. I love you Matt."
"I love you too." the line went dead. And Matt soon felt better, knowing that he is ok. Kyle walked away from the pay-phone bank with tears streaming down his face. The intense heat soon evaporated his tears. Kyle was walking pretty much alone with the exception of one guy in Downtown Al-Bakaara, a known terrorist operating city. Kyle looked around; scanning the alleys and rooftops. A loud crack fills the sky; almost like a clap of thunder. It was a gunshot.
He looked over his shoulder and saw his friend Corporal John "Soap" McKinney get shot. "SOAP!" Kyle hollered. "sir! We need to move!" private Halters screamed. "soap!" Kyle hollered again. "frost, my friend. You shouldn't of come here..." Zechaev said through their radios "what is he talking about?" Price screamed. Frosts humvee blew up, but luckily he wasn't in it.
He made it out just in time. Kyle brought Soap over to a porch and laid him down, putting pressure on the wound. "Zechaev.... Knows.... Frost...." he said. He started to fade out. Soap was dying. "soap? Soap! ... John!" Kyle hollered trying to wake up his friend. But they weren't friends; they were brothers. Kyle got enraged. Kyle walked over to Yuri "Frost" Kamarov as he broke in a door that led to a basement. He grabbed him and spun him around; punching him in the face. He watched as the Russian fell down the stairs. "soap trusted you.... So please tell me how Zechaev knows you!" Kyle said pointing a gun at the Russian soldier. "I was young, and patriotic." Yuri began. "Zechaev was like a father to me."
[October 11th 1996]
"this will be a historic event." Zechaev said facing Yuri from the front seat of his SUV. They were waiting for Birmistrov, their supreme leader was going to make a historic arms deal with a Somalian named Mufassa.
Birmistrov ran back to the truck with his arm missing. Zechaev sped off; heading for a safe house. "this is war Yuri, and there's no stopping it."
(Yuri narrating) "I didn't know what he meant by this is war and get used to it. I thought that they were just going to try and help mother russia, I didn't know what they were going to do next."
[January 6th 2011]
"is everything in position?" asked Zechaev. "da." said a man on the other end of the phone. "do it." Zechaev whispered. There was a sudden flash and Yuri blocked the brightness with his hand. "30,000 American troops, and 65 warships gone." Zechaev laughed.
(Yuri narrating) "I didn't know what i was getting into, or what they planned next. So much destruction was caused in the blink of an eye. I was terrified."
[July 19th, 2013
Sarajevo international Airport
9:30 AM]
"I know what you told them." Zechaev said. "I thought that you were true and pure. But all of the secrets I've told you will die with you." he said. He walked over to the tortured Yuri and shot him In the stomach; dropping him on the floor.
(Yuri narrating) "the world was crumbling, I was a soldier of Russia, and I needed to stop this attack."
Yuri crawled over to the elevator and grabbed a pistol from a dead security guard. He waddled around; people screaming and running every which direction. They were all running from the same thing. The five men with machine guns slaughtering everyone. Yuri tried to shoot, but quickly collapsed. Soon, all men were killed. A security guard rushed to the fallen Yuri and tries to help him up.
[present day]
"alright Yuri, you've bought yourself some time. For now.." Kyle said holding the gun at Yuri. He handed him a rifle and they went to work.
"RPG!" truck screams. The RPG hits a humvee; detonating it. "were getting overrun! -ugh!!" private Halters was dead. "shit!" Kyle yelled. "another RPG! Kyle, truck get out of there!"
Impact. Kyle gets thrown from his feet and down a flight of stairs; along with truck. Things piled up against the now closed and sealed door. Kyle slipped into unconsciousness.
The bright light of the spotlight blinded Kyle temporarily as he awoke from unconsciousness. The first thing he saw when his eyes adjusted was the bloodied and disfigured face of his squad mate Billy "Truck" Anderson. he and Anderson had been captured alive by a platoon of Ultranationalist Russians in an ambush the previous evening.
The officer supervising the two prisoners knelt before Kyle, and, in a mocking tone, said, "You think that just because you say nothing, you are strong?" Kyle didn't answer, not even when the officer spat a wad of chewed-up tobacco right in his face.
The officer then walked over to Truck and muttered something in his face inaudible to Kyle. When he got up, Truck looked over at Kyle, a pleading expression plastered on what was left of his face;
"Don't tell them anything," truck choked. "Please…"
No sooner had he said this than the officer held his head in a death grip. Kyle watched in horror as the officer lit a cigarette, forced Truck's eye open, and extinguished the cigarette in it. The scream was not far behind. Truck thrashed his head from side to side, what was left of his right eye splattering all over the wooden walls of the torture chamber.
At the officer's order, the sergeant-at-arms by his side pinned Truck's head to a haystack, exposing his neck. Truck was able to choke out one last "go to hell…" at the soldier before his jugular was sliced open, painting the wall crimson.
Kyle started whimpering softly as the soldier strode toward him, blood-stained dagger in hand. "This is it" he thought.
The soldier jolted Kyle's head back, exposing his neck as well. At about the time he expected the dagger to enter his throat, he heard the soldier grunt loudly, and fall to the dirt, dead.
Kyle was wondering who pulled that off when he heard a voice he couldn't be happier to hear.
"Kyle, you're okay. Thank God."
He recognized that voice all too well. It was Captain Price.
"Don't worry about it, Kyle." price said as he helped Kyle to his feet and led him out of the torture chamber. "We're gonna make 'em pay for what they've done." It cheered Kyle up a little.
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