Wishful Thinking : Part 3

(Part 1 from 2. Fiction.)

Hello everybody.. So here comes the third part. Sorry if this shouldn't be in the 'first time' section but i thought it kinda belongs here.. By the way I tried to do my best with the spelling and grammar thing you know. Don’t be so disappointed.. no sex is included here. In fact this whole chapter is just to introduce the next one, which is going to be great. Feel free to tell me what you think, comments are highly appreciated. Thanks.


It was Wednesday morning and about a week ago since Justin last talked to me. I was walking through the hallway in school, heading for my locker. Even though Justin had hurt me so much I still wanted to be close to him. I missed the way he treated me. I missed the way I was under his protection. I couldn’t just turn of loving him.

How could he tell me what we did was a mistake. I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.

As much as I wanted to tell myself that I had to let go of him I realized it would never work. He has always been the one I wanted to be with. I tried to hide these feelings for years and now after they’re out I should go back to the hiding shit? I felt so frustrated.

I didn’t even notice the other people in school as I made my way to my locker. I blamed myself for telling Justin about my feelings in the first place. I mean we would probably still be friends if I just kept my mouth shut. How am I supposed to survive without him ? There was this huge hole in my stomach that made me shiver. I felt alone.

I got my books out of my locker and went to my biology class. I got this lesson with Justin. GREAT. Just fucking great I thought. It was hurting so much seeing him but not being able to talk to him. I started to wonder if Justin was missing me too. The way he treated me at his birthday didn’t come from nowhere. I guess he was just too scared to admit it.

I was so focused on my thoughts when I went up the stairs to the second floor that I didn’t see that there was somebody coming. Before I knew it we crushed together. All I could see was papers flying around and landing on the stairs.

‘Oh god, sorry I didn’t see-‘ I mumbled

‘Never mind..’

I looked up and realized the person was Sam Petersen. I felt sorry for him because all his stuff was lying on the floor so I helped him. I picked up most of the papers and handed it to him.

‘Thanks’ he smiled and stood up

‘So how is it going Sam?’ I asked casually trying to be nice.
‘Good. How about you? You’re ok?’
‘Uum.. yeah I’m good.’ I lied

There was a short silence before I decided the conversation was over. I turned and was ready to leave when he suddenly said ‘So your little romance is over huh?’

‘Excuse me?’ I stopped and answered confused
‘You and Justin Reynolds??’
‘What-?’ I turned around
‘Don’t play dumb. I saw you two together at his party.’

I stared at him completely shocked.

‘So I guess it’s true. You broke up huh.’ He smiled smugly. I couldn’t believe what he was saying.
‘You know what? You keep seeing things that aren’t there Sam. And anyways it’s none of your business’

‘Alright.. Nevermind’ he looked away ‘but you know what? You and me.. we're not so much different.’

I didn’t quite understand what he meant by that but I wasn’t really paying attention anymore. I passed him.

‘And by the way Patrick, have you seen this new kid? Fucking hot.’ he shouted after me, more like a statement like a question.

WTF? What’s wrong with this guy? Doesn’t he have some friends to annoy?
I finally arrived in the classroom. Everybody else was already there. Including Justin, but I didn’t dare to look at him directly. I just sat down somewhere in the last row and remained silent. I still had Sam’s words in my mind and I was curious what it was with the ‘new kid’ that he was talking about.


Time went by and I only had two more classes left. English and Sports. So I was standing somewhere near the classroom right before the English lesson started just like everybody else, waiting for the teacher to arrive and unlock the classroom. I leaned against a wall, watching the people in the corridor.

Wherever I looked I could see couples. Kissing and grabbing each other. It annoyed me. But whatever. I just lost my best friend and didn’t want to think about anything –

There he was.

Probably the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in my life apart from Justin. Beautiful face. Even better hair. Godlike Body. My jaw dropped. I’ve never seen him before but my heartbeat skipped by his sight. He was walking with two girls who were in my class. He had like the biggest smile on his face. His skin was well tanned, he looked like this typical surfer guy. Dark hair and dark eyes. His face had these slight masculine lines. God, I couldn’t stop staring.

Okaaay. So I guess this must be the new guy huh? The bell rang. Seemed like he was in a pretty exciting conversation with the two girls. But then he looked in my direction. I swallowed. He smiled at me and nodded. I tried to smile back but my face was kinda frozen in this OMG-did-he-just-smile-at-ME?!-stare.

The crowd got louder as the teacher arrived and opened the door. I hurried up to get quickly inside the classroom because I felt so stupid for staring at this guy like a fucking retard. Do I just like it to make an idiot out of myself?!

I sat down somewhere in the back. The others slowly came in and so did the new guy. He went to my English teacher Mrs. Klark to introduce himself but it was so loud I couldn’t hear a word he was saying.

Mrs. Klark turned to the class. ‘Quiet please guys.’ – ‘We got a new student. Class please welcome Tyson Parker’

She looked at him again. ‘Take a seat Tyson – shall be your choice where’

Tyson looked around for a second. I rested my head on a stack of books and watched him from there. I felt my heart pounding in my chest while he walked through the classroom. He sat down in the row right in front of me. Next to some geek called Austin. I checked out his back for a while but it just reminded me of Justin. Argh oh no. I really didn’t want to think about him.

Mrs Klark allocated some exercises but I wasn’t paying attention. A few minutes later I had to ask the girl that sat beside me what we got to do. Right then Tyson turned around. This big smile on his face, which reminded me so much of Justin.

‘Hey.. you got a paper for me?’ he said and oh my god his voice sounded so hot

‘Wha.. ? Paper.. umm sure.’ I stuttered

I handed one to him.

‘I’m Tyson by the way’ he smiled

‘I know’ I smiled too ‘My names Patrick’

‘Well Hey Patrick’ he said and turned around again.

‘Hey’ I whispered more to myself than to anybody else.. I didn’t know whats gotten into me but this guy made me forget everything else and I couldn’t stop smiling.

The rest of the lesson was too short if you ask me. I spend the time checking out Tyson.


I was walking alone to the locker room for my sports class. I had sports with Justin. Trying to ignore that my whole body was shaking I thought about whether I should place myself where I always did (which was right next to Justin) or if I should sit somewhere else. But I decided that some of the guys would probably ask stupid shit if I didn’t use my usual locker and I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself or embarrass Justin because I was such a horrible liar. I would just walk in there and act like nothing ever happened.

When I opened the door, most of the guys were already in their sport clothes. I went through the room and straight towards Justin, who was just putting on a shirt. I was able to take one last peek at his beautiful back. God I missed his warm body so much.

He must have noticed me by that time. I stood right beside him and dropped my bag pretty loud on the bench but he didn’t even look at me. Whatever.

I was just putting on my pants when the door swung open and a few other guys including Tyson came in. I was searching a shirt in my bag when..

‘Hey Patrick’ a soft voice said right behind me

I looked around to see Tyson, who put his things down on the opposite bench of mine. Was this guy following me or something?

Justin's head turned immediately. Oh this could be interesting.. I could see Justin glancing from me to Tyson and back to me again. Something told me Justin wasn’t feeling so well at that moment.

Maybe I was just enjoying the situation a little too much but I thought this would be the right time to take off my shirt. Yeah. In fact I could feel somebodys eyes on me.


During the lesson I had plenty of time to watch the bodies of the two sexiest guys I could think of. Water was running down Justin's throat and his white shirt clinged on his wet body. God he was so fucking hot. The way he moved and ran.. Actually everything about him reminded me of sex. I missed him so much.
And then there was Tyson. His body was not so familiar to me but it was exciting see him so exhausted.

In the end of the lesson we had to do some strength training. Our teacher told us we had to do it in groups of two. Usually Justin would do that with me..

I thought about just waiting right there looking confused till somebody would finally ask me but then Tyson stepped up to me.

‘Hey umm Patrick’ he said softly ‘you mind being my partner?’
My eyes widened. ‘Suure’ I nodded and peeked over to Justin.

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