Casual encounter

(Part 1 from 3. Fiction.)

We have all had chance meetings that we remember and those that we want to forget. This particular encounter is one that has stuck in my mind, even though I have tried for so long to forget. I from time to time find myself remembering the events of this time in my life and as I slip back, I find the events become quite vivid. Maybe I wish it would somehow occur again or that I could, in some way go back and relive the experience once again. I do have mixed feeling about it, but whenever I do find myself remembering what happened, I just as quickly wish again to forget it ever take place.

I was a fifteen-year-old delinquent that was skipping class to hang out at the local game room by the high school. I was a popular person in my first year of high school and I was spending a lot of time at the game room. Over the first few months, I had started to become good friends with a man that was the owner of the game room, and for this story, I will refer to him as John. He was probably 10 years older than me, had dark skin and dark hair, and it was not until later that I found out he was the owner.

Everyone at the school liked hanging out up at the game room during the day and sometime, even into the evening, including me. I really did not take notice of John to much at first, but I think he must have been watching me and noticing how much time I was spending at the game room. At this time, John must have decided at that point to see if he could somehow build up a friendship and eventually encourage me to have a relationship with him. At the time, I had no idea John was gay but it would soon be quite evident.

As I mentioned, I did have many friends, several of which were girls, but being shy, I was still a virgin, but this was about to change. At first, it all started out fairly innocent. Conversations with John were nothing more than asking for change to play on the machines or the casual, “Hello” as I entered the game room. However, it soon not progressed to give me free games on the pinball machines when he saw me hanging out there and a little while later, the older guys that worked at the game room started giving me pot and pills. My friendship with John grew and soon he was comfortable in asking me to go out for breakfast and lunch with him, which at first I was reluctant to do, but John eventually convinced me it would be ok. I was enjoying skipping classes to hang out at the game room, even though my grades were hurting, I wanted to be there.

Our friendship grew and when we would go out for breakfast or lunch, our conversations were innocent, at least on the surface, but I am quite sure he was look to manipulate the situation as he continually built up my confidence and find a way to persuade me to sleep with him. There was one particular day that stands out when I think about what happened and it would be a turning point in our friendship; a situation that would forever be indelibly marked in my thoughts.

We were out for breakfast on day, when our simple conversation turned to a conversation about sex and girls. John asked if I had ever been with a girl and at the time, I had been with several girls but I had not gone all the way, but I was not going to let on that I was not experienced. We talked about what hair color we liked, boobs, asses, etc., and we laughed a little. John then asked what my favorite thing was to do, do I like having my dick sucked and what position I like best. When I did not answer right away he asked, “Have you never done that before?” He must have somehow realized that I had never had sex before either, because he asked, “You really haven’t had done it before, huh?” I explained that no, I had not done it before, and John appeared to be shocked a little, and jokingly asked if I liked men. I quickly snapped at him saying, “No,” and he said he was just kidding.

Still, I did not like the insinuation but it did seem calm the conversation slightly. John now had the opening he was looking for to see if I was actually interested in having sex with him. He stated the conversation again by saying; you know that some guys are attracted to other men. I knew this and agreed but the conversation was making me a little uncomfortable again, but then he as he continued by asking me if I ever found other men attractive or if I had ever thought about having sex with another man. I again quickly said, “No that I had never been attracted to other men and I would never have sex with another man.” John said, “I know, I know,” and I insisted that I was only attracted to girls. John chuckled and to calm me down again, he said that he knew that I only like girls and not to worry. I was a little upset but I soon realized he was joking with me again so I let it go.

Our conversation paused for a little bit and John knew something was wrong, so he asked me if everything was ok. I nodded in agreement that everything was good and John quickly said that he felt very comfortable talking with me about stuff and that he really enjoyed my company. I told him I enjoyed it too and smiling, John continued be say again how nice it was to talk with me and joke about stuff. I again nodded in agreement, which gave John time to continue the conversation. John then said that he was sorry if he embarrassed me and again I nodded my head and told him it was ok. John said, “Good,” and we went back to eating. Feeling it might be the opening he needed, John subtly said, “I think I need to tell you something,” and as I looked up at him, John cautiously told me that he was a bisexual. I was confused; I did not know what this was.

With my curious look and the pause, John hurriedly acknowledged again that he knew that I only like girls, and as I nodded in agreement, he hesitantly asked if I know what it meant to be bisexual. I shook my head no and said that I did not. When John realized this, he grinned sheepishly and seemed to relish in the opportunity to explain what a bisexual was. John started by telling me it was two words put together, bi meaning two, like bicycle. I understood that but then John said, “And then the word sexual.” John continued by explaining that sexual means having sex. I knew what it meant, but why was he telling this? John slyly asked, “You know what that means, right?” I nodded my head, but still I was confused. John now continued by saying that he too was attracted to women, and after a short pause he continued by saying that there were times when he found men to be attractive too. I was taken aback, but he continued by explaining that being a bisexual meant that he did like having sex with women but it also meant that sometimes he enjoyed sleeping with men too. I was in shock as he continued the conversation by asking what I thought about it. I did not know what to say.

Why was he telling me this? I was speechless and the conversation again paused for a little bit. What was I going to do now? John then told me he was not gay he just like men and women equally sometimes. As I looked up, John quickly said he was telling me this because we had become so close that he had become attracted to me and continued by saying that he had thought about asking me if I would like to sleep with him sometime, but he was not sure what I would say. I was very uneasy now with the situation and I think he knew it too. I did not know what to do; this man was my only way back to school. He then told me not to worry, that he was not going to do anything unless I felt the same way, but he explained that he wanted me to know how he felt. I was stunned and did not know what to say or do and I think he knew the subject made me nervous and that he might have pressed the issue a little to fast.

As the conversation now stalled, John suggested that we should go. In the car, we did not talk, but John was determined to keep the conversation going and asked me if I would think about it. “Think about what,” I thought, “sleeping with him?” When I did not reply, he knew his opportunity to sleep with me was slipping away, so he quickly said, “I’ll give you anything if I would be willing to sleep with him. John followed up by telling me that he really liked me and said that he wanted to give me something for being so understanding and such a good listener. I was flattered but remained silent all the way back to the game room. When we got there, he asked me not to tell anyone about what we had talked about, and said it would not be good. No way was I going to say anything, so I nodded my head and he ended by again appealing to me to think about his offer and to let him know what it would take. He was not going to let it go until I agreed to think about it, so I quickly nodded and told him that I would think about it. It seemed to put John’s mind at ease, but at the time, it did not sit well with me about having sex with another man, however I did find myself thinking about it.

A few days later, I ventured back to the game room to hang out with friends and even though I tried to avoid John, he was able to corner me and asked if I had thought about his proposition. I told him that I had thought about it but I was still unsure about it. He said, “Come on let’s go get something to eat.” I tried to avoid having to go wit him, but his persistence in asking me to go with him was making me uncomfortable so I decided to go with him. While driving to the restaurant, he smiled at me and remarked that he was glad I still wanted to hang out with him. I simply nodded my head and John asked what it was that I would really like to have. I told him nothing and looking at me realized I was not going to do it, so he was hard-pressed to get an answer to find out and again asked, “Come on, there has to be something you would really like to have.” At the restaurant, we did not really talk about much, but I felt that he wanted to continue to find out what it would take to get me in bed. John now said, “Ok, I know you’re worried about it, let me just get you something for being such a good friend. Was he telling the truth? Would he get me something just for being a friend? John continued, “Come on, do you want me to get you a girl to sleep with, a car, or some spending money. He was not going to let it go so I eventually told him that I would really like to have a car. As I looked at him, I noticed a smile and a scheming look on his face.

I knew I had given him the opening he was looking for and John now asked questioningly, what kind of car I would like to have. I told him I was not sure, but now he needed to keep this open so he kept probing to know what kind. He asked if I liked Camaros, Firebirds, Mustangs, etc. and I told him I was not sure what kind I wanted. He did not want to lose this chance to persuade me to sleep with him; he needed to know. Frustrated that I would not reveal what kind of car I would like, we left the restaurant. As we were driving back to the game room, he said, “Well, let me know what kind of car I would like to have and that he would get me whatever kind I wanted.” I was definitely excited about having a car and in thinking about the possibilities, smiled. All I had to do was tell him what kind of car I want and he would get it for me, no strings attached. It was to good to be true, and it was, because I was only thinking about having a car and not thinking about what I was leaving myself open to and that I would be giving him the opportunity to make me feel compelled to have sex with him, and not just once but many times. When we pulled into the parking lot, he reminded me to let him know what kind of car I would like and as we smiled at each other, I said I would. He immediately asked if I would be able to tell him tomorrow and I told him I would try. We got out of the car and went inside our separate ways as we entered the game room.

John really got me thinking about what kind of car I would like to have and as I thought about all the different kinds of cars, one kept coming to mind and it was a 1956 Chevy, but what would happen if I actually went though with it and told him? I was not sure, but I decided I would tell him. The next day when I went over to the game room, there he was and he came up to me and casually asked if I had made a decision. I was unsure as to how to answer, but I said that I had made a decision. He said, “Great, let’s go for a drive and you can tell me!” He was obviously excited as we left in his car and I told him that I would really like to have a ’56 Chevy. He paused but then smiling asked me if I was sure and I said excitingly, “Yea.” John now said, “Ok,” and told me that he would start looking for one. I was euphoric as I told him that I wanted it to be a two door with a V8 and I would like it to be midnight blue. He now knew that he had me right where he wanted me and he was not going to let this opportunity slip away so he said he would get right on it.
A few days later, while I was at the game room John came up to me and told me he had found the car and that we should take a drive and talk about it. He was very good; he made me so excited and in getting the car, he said he had seen the car, it was very nice, all it needed was to be painted, and that I could have it in a week or so.

Again, he was continuing to build up my enthusiasm, making me even more excited to see it and drive it, but it was all a ploy, because now he had a question for me. John started by saying, “Well now that I have the car you want, what was I willing do for him.” I did not know what to say and I should have realized there was a catch to this whole thing. He said, “I will tell you what, you come over to my place with me tomorrow afternoon and try it, if you don’t like it, we can stop and we will leave, and you can still have the car.” I was stunned. “Why didn’t I see this coming,” I thought to myself. When we returned to the game room, he told me to come by tomorrow and let him know what I want to do. John restated the offer again by saying, “Come over to my place see what you think and you can have the car no matter what, because I know you really want that car. I was excited with the thought of have a car, however I was worried about what would happen at his house, but I was curious too. I had thought about it and later that afternoon, I decide I would do it. I really wanted that car he promised, even though I was leaving myself open to the possibility of having to have sex with him.

I became apprehensive about the situation and for the rest of that day; I continued to think and imagine what I should expect the next day, I realized that I had not cum for a few days. I did not want to cum to much when I was with John, but I thought,”If I cum now, would I be able to cum tomorrow too.” I decided that I should go ahead and cum now,” and by tomorrow, I would still be able to cum when I was with John. I now wanted to jack-off while thinking of being with John, but as I would find out tomorrow, it would not be the same. My cock was already hard as I closed my eyes and started to jack off. I do not remember exactly what I was thinking, but it did not take long before I had cum. It felt so good and I had cum a lot, which caused me to worry that I might not have enough cum for tomorrow but what could I do now.

The next day when I woke up, I made sure I tried to take a shit and clean myself up before I left. I went up to the game room around noon and was nervous about what was going to happen, but all I could think about was that car. I hoped I would not see him but as I moved around the game room, there he was; he cornered me and casually said, “Are you ready?” what was I going to do, I wanted that car, so I simple nodded my head and replied, “Yes.” He then questioningly asked, “Are you sure, and pausing, I again nodded my head. John grinned and said, “Ok, let’s go.” I felt everyone was watching us leave, even though we had left together so many times before; I was nervous as we got in his car and headed off to his place.. I was not sure exactly where we were going; were we going to a hotel or to his apartment, I was not sure. Nevertheless, wherever we were going, I had a good idea of what I would have to do once we got there, which made me apprehensive. I was having second thoughts about going through with it, and John must have realized I was nervous. To break the tension, he asked if I was hunger and if wanted to get something to eat first. I simply replied, “No,” and he told me not to worry as we continued on our way. Soon we pulled into an apartment complex not far from the school and parked out front of an apartment. As we got out of the car, I looked around nervously to see if anyone was watching as we went inside. I now felt trapped as he closed and locked the door behind us. John quietly walked over to the window and closed the blinds in the front room, which put me at ease so no one could look in on us. I looked around the front room and noticed his apartment was small but clean and modestly furnished.

Immediately John moved toward and down the hallway telling me, “Come on,” wanting me to follow him. The hallway was short and led toward the back bedroom. As we walked down the hallway, I noticed a small bathroom in the hall and across from that; there was another room with the door partially closed. John entered the back bedroom first and as I followed him in, John immediately walked over to the bedroom windows and quickly closed the blinds. The room did darkened a little, but being it was still light out, I could still see very clearly It was a quite large bedroom with what looked like a bathroom toward the back and a king sized bed situated in the middle of the long wall. John now sat on the edge of the bed and motioned for me to sit next to him by patting the bed. I gradually moved over to where he was sitting and sat on the bed too. John put his hand on my thigh and rubbing it, told me to relax and that everything would be all right. I simply nodded and as he stood up, and told me to go ahead and take off my clothes. John then told me he would be right back as he walked toward the bathroom. I watched as he closed the door to the bathroom, where I presumed he was going to take off his clothes and I sat there quietly for a second looking around the room I thought that I had better get started undressing before he returns. I quickly took off my shoes, socks, and my shirt and pants, piling them at the end of the bed.

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