List of our 100% free Gay Military Stories 2

Hot Night in a Marine Barracks 6.86: vote

He was a cute Latino, his name was Max, and he was about 5’ 5”, dark hair, dark eyes and an eight inch cock. He was hot with a body to match. Every time he would come around I would tease him about having a small cock, trying to get him to show to me. A lot of time with Marines if you can get them to show you their cock other than in than seeing it in the shower you can get them to do just about anything...

Rating: 6.86
Day Two My First Liberty 8.65: vote

Fran and I had gotten a hotel room for our first weekend liberty after nine weeks of boot camp. We had had an incredible night of hot sex. We decided to go to breakfast before going back to our room for a day of sex...

Rating: 8.65
My First Liberty 9.06: vote

As I was finishing my load I opened my eyes to see Fran licking off my cock. I was in shock. This was a dream come true. I just got a blow job from the hottest guy in the company...

Rating: 9.06
The Recruiter 7.28: vote

Young Brian walks into the recruiter's office where he is given an impromptu, unauthorized physical by the recruiter in the back room...

Rating: 7.28
Doug Brady, Marine 9.18: vote

A Marine learns that his highschool teammate is gay and wants to visit him on base. There is a "coming out" and he arranges for his buddy to live his fantasy of being the center of attention for a bunch of his Marine buddies...

Rating: 9.18
Lost in transfer 8.35: vote

"Sir. I’m just a Yeoman First Class Sailor from Bainbridge. I was being transferred to Key West to board my ship, but my papers got mixed up and I suddenly found myself aboard the Marine Transport with a team of Marine Officers...

Rating: 8.35
New Guy In The Officers Mess (part 2) 6.60: vote

Find out what happens next in part 2...

Rating: 6.60
Basic Training 2 8.29: vote

PVT Hicks continues to train to become one of America's elite...

Rating: 8.29
New Guy In the Officers Mess 1 8.13: vote

I've just started work at a royal engineers barracks near me and I noticed the cutest guy there, heres what happened...

Rating: 8.13
Basic Training 1 7.81: vote

PVT Hicks gets a taste of Basic Training, and his new Battle Buddy...

Rating: 7.81
Afghan Fuck Mission (M+ interr anal) 8.06: vote

Pvt Chu and Sgt Willsen bring out their big guns when they come across three horny Afghan brothers during a night patrol...

Rating: 8.06
Shell Shocked 7.61: vote

Two straight and horny soldiers find that you "make do" in war...

Rating: 7.61
Prison 7.31: vote

It felt like a dream as I stood there looking through the bars of my cell. As reality sank in I turned to see a man around 6 foot, with black hair and a mustache, (he was hispanic and VERY muscular!) standing at his bunk staring at me...

Rating: 7.31
Chain Gangbanged, Part 1 8.22: vote

A lot can happen to a pretty boy during a 30-day jail term...

Rating: 8.22
Angry Black Panthers Raid University Lacrosse Team 7.15: vote

This is a sequel of the story University Lacrosse Players Get Punished For Being real Jerks, only this time, some tough black dudes take down the rest of that snot nosed college team. Those lacrosse dudes ain't getting away with disrespecting an African American woman, you can be sure of that!

Rating: 7.15
University Lacrosse Players Get Punished for being Real Jerks 5.89: vote

At a wild party some university lacrosse players get too fresh, and disrespect an African American woman. They soon learn the error of their ways!

Rating: 5.89
Filipino cell mates 5.81: vote

A true recount on how I became a blonde bottom for pinoy dick!

Rating: 5.81
Stargate Atlantis - Shepard & Ford 3 9.71: vote

John and Aiden continue to explorer their relationship while setting up the first alpha site...

Rating: 9.71
Number 8 6.86: vote

In the prison ... Read it !!!!

Rating: 6.86
High School Swimmers Get Busted 4.18: vote

Two eighteen year old high school swimmers plan on hiring a hooker for their team, but instead get arrested by some cops, who have most of the fun...

Rating: 4.18
Stargate Atlantis - Shepard & Ford 2 9.11: vote

Major Shepard and Lt. Ford end up having to spent a night off world due to gate problems see they do to past the time...

Rating: 9.11
Stargate Atlantis - Shepard & Ford 9.00: vote

How will Major Shepard react to Lieutenant Fords little secret...

Rating: 9.00
Sailor Slave, Part 2, Thank you Sir. 8.85: vote

My cock was being sucked with full stokes as my ass was being fucked by a huge cock. I could feel this man pound against me I knew he was big and tall as well as hung like a horse. I had to be at least 12 or 13 inches of cock...

Rating: 8.85
Air Force Lover 7.93: vote

Sexy teen has Air Force brother. Teen falls for brother's AF pal. All is love until brother and pal's plane goes missing!

Rating: 7.93
My favorite Airman 7.94: vote

Serving overseas far from home can be rough on a guy's morale; but in that far away land two Airman found a way to make their time fly by

Rating: 7.94
Ass pumped by platoon 7.75: vote

Youth with girly bum walks nude on the moors but fails to see camouflaged soldiers. Sergeant does a security exam then gives the boys have a 'comfort' break...

Rating: 7.75
Tent Fucking 8.64: vote

A Military nurse and a grunt get it on...

Rating: 8.64
NYPD Blew 8.09: vote

A young cop's first exposure into man to man sex and his gradual acceptance of long repressed feelings...

Rating: 8.09
Sailor Slave 8.66: vote

“Just set here at the bus stop and a fag would come by and ask if you wanted to take a ride. Then you will hop in the car. The fag will want to ‘feel you up’, and you will say, ‘If you want my cock, you will have to pay for it.’ He will drive you to a quiet spot and blow you. The usual price was about $20.00. He will drop you off here again and then you can go have a good time.” Jack told me.

Rating: 8.66
Sailor Slave, Part 2 8.12: vote

“You are a good slave boy. Now you are beginning to enjoy your self. I told you we were not going to hurt you. We only want to make you feel good. Now relax before I make love to your beautiful ass.”

Rating: 8.12
The Pursuit of Manliness 8.28: vote

Colonel Norman finds satisfaction in Colonial Service...

Rating: 8.28
Vision of Love 6.80: vote

Regulations say they can't love, but they do...

Rating: 6.80
Why I got kicked out of the Navy! 5.79: vote

Sailor had a lot of fun getting kicked out of the Navy...

Rating: 5.79
Prison Whore 4.20: vote

My 6 months in prison turned out to be painful, Big black studs abused my poor asshole...

Rating: 4.20
Boot Camp Buddies - part 1 8.62: vote

Inspired by my real-life experience! Two boot camp buddies discover each other through lust and love...

Rating: 8.62
Prisoner C0C5UK3R 69 - Part 3 8.91: vote

“I can’t believe how quickly you got him to suck cock,” Carter said in admiration. Len snorted derisively, “Cocksucking is easy, they all want to see if they can take it. Now fucking him,” at this point pussyboy trembled...

Rating: 8.91
Prisoner C0C5UK3R 69 Part two 8.52: vote

Kenny had never seen anything like this, except in a picture of an exotic sex book, and that had showed a woman stroking an elephant’s penis. He and his mates had joked about giving the elephant a run for its money in the size department but secretly all had envied its cock size. Now he really did have something in front of him that would have frightened both the woman and the elephant and it certainly scared him...

Rating: 8.52
Prisoner C0C5UK3R 69 8.34: vote

“young prick,” he added and leaned lecherously towards Kenny, “mind you I wouldn’t mind six months locked up with you. I’d soon make you sing in Sing Sing. You look like you’d make a good flute player,” and he deep belly laughed...

Rating: 8.34
Civilian Prisoner 6.42: vote

It was a warm summer night I was outside with my friends playing a simple game of capture the flag near a marine base outside town, I took a wrong turn in the path and accidentally stumbled into the marine training base...

Rating: 6.42
Caught by the cops 8.09: vote

The cops had come in and busted us for indecent exposure...

Rating: 8.09
GI Virgin 6.76: vote

Kicked back in the barracks, stuck on night duty. At nineteen years old, 5'8", trim, nice muscles, I'd get horny at the drop of a hat. But here I was in Germany, courtesy of Uncle Sam...

Rating: 6.76
Porn Star Heaven 6.83: vote

Tim and Steve were driving along a beautiful winding road that curved along the coast of Northern California. They were buddies who were in San Francisco to attend a trade show, then after the show was over they were taking a few days to drive down the coastline to see the scenery and visit a friend...

Rating: 6.83
Hard Cock of the Law 7.31: vote

I wanted him the second I laid eyes on him. I wanted him bad; I wanted him up my ass, stretching me open with his big cock. It was getting late, and soon it would be light. Either I got him now, or when the next train came through, I’d be on it...

Rating: 7.31
Assault With a Loaded Gun 6.88: vote

Jake loved driving around with nowhere to go. Sometimes he would spend hours behind the wheel of his gleaming red sports car, heading nowhere in particular, just enjoying the feel of the wind in his face and reveling in the power of the engine under the hood. He loved speed. Even as a student, his Driving School teacher had ordered him to slow down. "You're going to get your license taken off you one day, if you aren't careful," he was told. Jake didn’t care...

Rating: 6.88
A Military Tale 7.16: vote

After two months at sea, we finally pulled into a port. Unlike most of the rest of the crew, however, I was not hard up to get laid. For the last two weeks, Seaman Schultz and I had been getting together so he could fuck my ass and me loving every one of his nine inches he would shove into my ass...

Rating: 7.16
Jailer’s Bait 7.44: vote

I've been a cop for ten years. In that time I'd had to deal with my fair share of wise guys, but seldom were they as adorable as Jeremy. Just the thought of being touched by his long, smooth fingers made me feel warm inside. I would liked nothing better than to have pulled down his pants and fuck his pert, little ass. Having my thick, eight-inch dong stretching his tight rosy pucker would sure be one way of wiping that smirk off his face...

Rating: 7.44
Jailer's Bait 6.77: vote

I've been a cop for ten years. In that time I'd had to deal with my fair share of wise guys, but seldom were they as adorable as Jeremy...

Rating: 6.77
Gerry 6.15: vote

The officer continued to slam his dick deep inside Gerry, making his balls jerk with every slap of the hips...

Rating: 6.15


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