The Construction Worker
Based on a real life experience. Your comments are welcome; email me and tell me
what you think of the story, and tell me something about yourself.
Joe Dickerson returned from the construction site at the end of the day just in time to see the new kid coming out of the trailer. He hadn't met him yet, but there was a lot of talk about him showing up for his interview wearing preppy jeans and a short-sleeved shirt with a button-down collar and new tennis shoes. The guys were right; he stood out like a sore thumb. Joe lingered in his truck, watching the kid walk to his not-so-late-model pickup.
No more than eighteen, Joe figured. He was a hunk. Well muscled, distributed
over a frame just under six feet, weighed probably one-ninety. And good-looking.
Fuck, he was good looking. Okay, maybe more cute than good looking but that was
because he was so young.
The boy's truck turned over half dozen times then fell silent. He pounded the
steering wheel and got out to look under the hood. He hit the battery a few
times then tried to start it again. Nothing. He looked like he was about ready
to cry and Joe felt sorry for him.
"Looks like you've got a problem," Joe said as he climbed out of his truck and
walked toward the dead vehicle.
"If I didn't have problems I wouldn't have a life," the boy said.
"A dead battery's not the end of the world," Joe said.
"Even if I could get it started, it runs hot. Needs a new fuel pump,” the boy
said as he kicked the tire angrily. "Not to mention four bald tires."
"All solvable problems," Joe said calmly.
"Not when you don't have any money," the boy said.
"Come on, get in," Joe said, waving toward his own truck.
"Why? Where're we going?" the boy asked.
"To get you a new battery,” Joe replied.
`Maybe you didn't hear me. I don't have the money for a new battery," the boy
said in a surly tone.
"I do," Joe said.
The boy frowned. "I can't let you do that," he said.
"Why not? Your truck doesn't run because it needs a new battery. You don't have
the money to buy one, but I do. Sounds pretty damned logical to me."
"I don't want your charity."
"Who said anything about charity? Maybe I didn't mention, it's a loan."
"I don't know when I would be able to pay you back. I don't get a paycheck for
two weeks."
"I won't go broke or hungry in two weeks. Now, come on." Joe could see the
relief on the boy's face as they drove into town. "My name's Joe Dickerson," he
said, putting out his hand.
"Jordan Price," the boy said.
"Good to have you with us," Joe said.
"I just wish I could get in the construction part of it, but the office job was
the only opening," Jordan said.
"Keep your nose clean and do your job, they'll put you out on a site soon enough
if that’s what you want," Joe said. "I've got some advice for you, though. Get
rid of the baggy jeans and that shirt. You're on a construction site, not a pep
And get some work boots. It'll help if you start looking like a construction
worker instead of an office boy."
"Well, the preppy look, as you call it, is going to have to do till I get paid,"
Jordan said.
After they bought the battery, Joe drove on through town instead of heading back
out to the site.
"Where're we going?" Jordan asked.
"To get you some work clothes," Joe said as he pulled up in front of a men's
clothing store.
"No, I don't want to be indebted to you."
"You already are," Joe said.
"But I won't be able to pay all of this back out of my first paycheck," Jordan
said. "I'm not getting construction rates, you know."
"Then I'll take your second paycheck, and your third and your fourth, and your
first-born, if need be," Joe said.
They got a pair of steel-toed work boots and socks, two pairs of jeans, two
heavy-duty work shirts and four T-shirts. For good measure, Joe tossed four
pairs of shorts on the pile along with a baseball cap and some work gloves.
"I can't wear these," Jordan said, picking up a package of the shorts.
"Wrong size? Get the size you need," Joe said. "Or don't you wear briefs?"
"Yeah, I wear briefs, but these...these are briefer than briefs. Well,
there's….there’s not much to them."
"Are you bragging that they won't hold you?" Joe asked, laughing. "Don't worry,
they'll stretch to hold up a five pound sausage. I wear them myself," he said as
he took the package from Jordan and tossed it back on the pile.
"I don't need gloves to shuffle papers," Jordan said, picking up the gloves.
"You won't be shuffling papers long," Joe said.
"How do you know? Do you know somebody?"
"They're not going to let those muscles go to waste in the office, but it can't
hurt to dress the part."
“Okay, I guess you know what you’re talking about,” Jordan said.
“Usually, I do,” Joe said.
They drove back out to the site and installed the battery.
"No wonder it wouldn't start; that battery looks like shit," Joe said, looking
down at the old battery on the ground. Jordan got in and tried it but the truck
still wouldn't start.
"I think you've got a starter problem, too," Joe said.
"Well, praise the gods, my luck continues," Jordan said.
"Come on, I'll drive you home. We'll get a new starter put in tomorrow."
The boy hesitated, looking down at his feet. "That's okay, I can sleep here in
my truck," he said.
"I can drive you home," Joe said.
"I'll sleep here, that way I'll be here for work in the morning."
"You don't have to do that, I can come by your house and pick you up," Joe said.
"No, this is fine," the boy insisted.
Joe didn't push it. He had a suspicion that there was a problem beyond just
getting to work but it wasn't any of his business. Reluctantly, he left the kid
on the site and drove home. It wasn't till he was in bed that it dawned on him
that the kid probably didn't have money for anything to eat. He worried about
him all night.
The next morning Joe made it a point to get to work early, to see if Jordan was
okay. He stopped on the way and picked up
fast food breakfast, as well as sandwiches for Jordan's lunch. It was barely
daylight when he arrived on the site. Jordan wasn't in his truck. Maybe he went
to take piss in the woods. When Joe got out of his truck he heard water running.
Thinking somebody had left the hose on, he walked around behind the trailer and
there was Jordan, naked, washing off with the hose. Joe lingered behind the
bushes at the corner of the trailer, watching him. He was like a young god. The
water sheeted down his tanned, naked muscles, a stream of water running down the
length of his cock like he was taking a piss. Joe swallowed to get the lump out
of his throat. Geezers, the kid was big! And beautiful! His muscles were smooth
and tanned except for his firm, round butt and a narrow pale strip around his
waist. Joe wondered how a kid that age got built like that.
Jordan jumped when he saw Joe come around the corner. "I decided to wash up,"
he said, rather sheepishly as he dropped the hose and reached for his shirt to
dry off. "What're you doing here so early?"
"Checking on you," Joe drawled as he stepped over to turn off the hose.
"I don't need checking up on," Jordan said.
"More than you know," Joe said.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Another bit of advice. Make sure you get yourself hosed down before the guys
start showing up for work," Joe drawled. "That cute, tight butt of yours isn't
safe out here among a bunch of horny construction workers."
Jordan laughed as he was putting on his clothes. Joe wanted to tell him he
wasn't joking. When the boy was dressed they walked back to the parking area.
"I've got us some breakfast," Joe said. "And I brought you lunch." He held up
his hand at the boy's scowl. "Before you say anything, what'd you have to eat
last night?"
"A candy bar."
"Right. I don't want to hear any crap from you," Joe said. "After work we'll
jump-start your truck and you can drive it into town to my mechanic. Might as
well get a new fuel pump along with the starter."
"I'm not going to see any of my paychecks for a month," Jordan said.
"Maybe longer than that,” Joe drawled. “I got to head out. See you after work.”
Joe couldn't keep his mind on his work. The image of the naked teenager loomed
before him every moment of the day, and he could hardly wait to get back to the
trailer. He was late getting back, and Jordan was waiting on him at his pickup,
all decked out in his new work clothes.
"Well, goddam, don't you look like a stud," Joe remarked. He wasn't kidding. The
kid had that look of studliness that almost took his breath away.
"You said I should look the part," Jordan said.
Joe jumped the boy’s truck to get it started then led the way into town to
Alec's Garage where he had all of his own repair work done. He was already
finished talking to Alec when Jordan pulled in behind him.
"Did you tell him what I need done?" Jordan asked as he followed Joe to his
"Yeah, a new starter, a new fuel pump, and anything else he finds wrong."
"That could cost a fortune!"
"Just pray he doesn't find anything else," Joe said. Then he paused and turned
around and said to the mechanic, "Hey, Alec, put a new set of tires on while
you're at it. Good ones."
Jordan's mouth flew open but he didn't say anything.
"Come on, I'll drive you home," Joe said.
"If you could just take me....downtown....I've got some stuff I need to buy."
"You don't have any money," Joe reminded him. The way the boy's face turned red,
Joe knew something wasn't right. "You do have a home," he said. He knew
immediately that he'd said the wrong thing. Jordan kept this head down and
kicked the ground with the toe of his boot. "How come you don't want me to take
you home?" Joe asked.
"I don't....have....anyplace to go," he replied quietly.
Joe was taken aback and filled with pain for the boy but he tried not to show
it. "They said at work that you were a star jock in high school, and a good
student. And you weren't dressed like a homeless person when you showed up for
work the first day. Something doesn't jive. Wanta fill me in?"
Jordan let out a quiet sigh and looked away to avoid Joe's eyes. "My step-dad
threw me out. He said when I graduated that I had to start paying rent, which I
said I would. It stands to reason; I had to get a job first. But he wouldn't
wait. He said I could come back when I had the rent money."
"So, you've been sleeping in your truck, for how long?"
Jordan shrugged. "Ever since graduation night."
"That was a real nice graduation present," Joe said sarcastically.
"He was just looking for an excuse to get me out of the house," Jordan said. "He
doesn't want me around to see how he treats my mom."
"Which is?"
"He treats her like crap. I'm big enough to take care of her, but not if I'm not
"He beats her?" Joe asked.
Jordan nodded. "She says he doesn't but I think she's lying. What really pisses me off is, my dad built that house with his own two hands and now this slime-ball has moved in and taken over. I wouldn't be surprised if it's in his name by now. I don't know why the hell she married him."
"We can't get into your mother's mind," Joe said. "Where is your dad, can I ask?"
"He was.....he died in a work accident. The son-of-a-bitch is living on my mom's settlement."
"Sorry to hear that. Look, maybe we need to go have a little talk with your step-dad."
"No, that would only make it worse, and I can't be there to
protect her. I can't even get my clothes and stuff out of the house till I come up with the first month's rent."
Joe didn't get mad often, but he was getting mad now. "Come on," he said, motioning for Jordan to get in the truck.
"Where?" Jordan asked.
"You're going to see your mom, and get your stuff."
"No, I can't. He won't let me in, and he won't let her come out."
"He will," Joe said.
"It'll just piss him off that I even showed up."
"Tough shit. Now, come on."
It was a command, said in a tone not to be argued with, especially when Joe
took him by the arm and urged him toward the truck. Neither of them said
anything during the drive except for Jordan giving directions.
"What're you going to do?" Jordan asked nervously as they were pulling into the
short lane that led to the small house on the edge of town.
"Nothing I don't have to. Depends on him, really," Joe replied. "You go on up
and knock on the door and tell him you want to see your mom and pick up your
Jordan took a deep breath and opened the truck door.
"There's nothing to be afraid of," Joe promised him.
“I’m not afraid of him, I’m afraid of what he’ll do to my mom after we leave.”
“Maybe I can fix that,” Joe said. He watched the boy walk up the path and up on
the porch. He turned and looked at Joe as for reassurance, then knocked on the
door. Whoever answered the door suddenly disappeared and someone else appeared
at the screen door. There were words exchanged and Joe could see Jordan getting
angry. But then his shoulders slumped and he turned and jumped off the porch.
Joe got out of the truck and met him half way up the path.
"He won't let me in," Jordan said, his eyes downcast. "He
wouldn't even let me see my mom."
"Yeah, he will," Joe said calmly.
"I don't want to cause trouble."
"Son, you're already got more trouble than any boy your age ought to have," Joe
said as he strode up the path. He took one step up onto the porch and pounded on
the door. A moment later the door flew open, followed by what began as an angry
"Look, you worthless little shit, I told you......." The man cut his words
off at the sight of Joe's hulking frame.
He wasn't a very imposing figure of a man. Jordan could've easily taken care of
him except for his concern over leaving his mother alone with the guy
"What do you want?" The man growled.
"There seems to be some misunderstanding," Joe said politely. "I've got a boy
out here who would like to see his mother, and then pick up a few of his
"There's no misunderstanding. He can do all of that when he shows me some rent
money," the man said.
"He won't be showing you any rent money," Joe said. "He won't be living here.
But he will be coming by to visit his mother from time to time. And right now he
needs to pick up his stuff."
"His mama wants him to live here,” the man said.
"And you don't." Joe said dryly.
"It don't make a rat's ass to me where he lives, but if it's here, he's going to
pay his way."
In a spurt of anger Joe grabbed the door handle and jerked it open, taking
the hook out of the wood. The man stepped back, startled, but Joe had him by the
collar and dragged out on the porch before he could move away. He pinned him
against the side of the house.
"You go see your mom and pack your stuff," he said to Jordan, "while me and your
step-dad go for a little walk and get
better acquainted."
"Take your fuckin' hands off of me before I call the cops," the man growled.
"Hell, I don't even know you, what right have you got to come barging in
Joe jerked him by his collar so hard his head snapped back and banged against
the side of the house. "That's the reason we're going for a walk, so you can get
to know me," Joe said as he shoved the man off the porch. He jumped off himself
and grabbed the man before he had a chance to stumble and fall. He
glanced over his shoulder to see a frightened Jordan go into the house.
"I'll have you arrested," the man threatened as he was half
dragged toward a shed in the back yard.
"You're not going to be able to call anybody till I let go of you," Joe said.
"When I do, you go ahead and call the cops. It'll give that boy a chance to tell
them what you've been doing to his mother, not to mention child endangerment."
"Jordan ain't a child. He's seventeen, almost eighteen."
"He wasn't always almost eighteen," Joe said. He turned the man squarely in
front of him and set his feet wide apart. "Now, I want you to listen carefully
to what I have to say."
"I don't have to listen to a fuckin' word you......OOHHhh!"
he yelled when Joe's fist suddenly shot out like a lightning bolt and
connected with his face.
Joe grabbed him before he had a chance to go down and brought him upright. He
shoved him around to the back of the shed and slammed him against the wall so
hard his head bounced.
"Now, as I was saying, I want you to listen carefully to what I have to say," he
began again. "If I ask you a question, you can answer it; otherwise, I don't
want to hear one goddam word come out of your mouth. Is that understood?"
"Good. Now, that boy is going to be living elsewhere, not because he's afraid of
you, but simply because you and him don't belong under the same roof. You and
his mother don't belong under the same roof either, but that's a whole other
problem. The boy's going to be coming by to visit her whenever he wants,
and there will be no repercussions whatsoever. Not against him,
not against his mother. Got that?"
"It's my house," the man said angrily.
Joe slammed his fist into his face again and another to his
stomach, doubling him over. "That was the wrong answer," he growled. "The way I
understand it, the boy's dad built the house. You just slithered in from under a
rock. Listen to me while you're still able, because I'm about twenty seconds
from beating your sorry ass into the ground. Now, secondly, if you ever lay a
hand on that woman, or even verbally abuse her, you're gonna wish you'd never
met me. You lay a hand on her, or if that boy even thinks you have....well, just
don't make me come back out here, because if we do, it won't be me you'll be
facing. It'll be the boy, and you do not want me to turn him loose on you."
"Now you're threatening me?" The man yelled.
"Dam right I am. Do we have a clear understanding?" When the man didn't answer
right away Joe hit him again. "You better talk while you're still able," he
`Yes! Yes, we have an understanding!" The man said, cowering away.
"Tell me what you understand," Joe said with his fist drawn back again, up
close, aimed squarely at the man's face. "Talk, man, I would love to see blood
spurting out of your nose."
"The boy can come visit anytime he wants, and I won't lay a hand on his mother
ever again," the man said quickly.
"Very good, because I don't want to have to come back out here and do this all
over again,” Joe said, rubbing his hand. "And let's keep this just between me
and you, what do you say?"
The man nodded. "All right."
Joe took a step away from him. "You wait right here till we drive off," he
The man nodded and leaned back against the shed.
Jordan was waiting at the truck when Joe came out from behind the shed.
"You ready?" Joe asked.
"Get all your stuff?"
"Yes, sir," Jordan replied.
"Talk to your mom?"
"Yes. But she was afraid for me to stay very long," Jordan said.
"She don't have to worry about that anymore," Joe said. "You come visit any time
you want and stay as long as you want."
"Is he really going to let me do that?" Jordan asked.
"I think he will."
"What'd you do?" Jordan asked as they drove down the lane.
"We had an understanding."
"Is that what got that blood on your shirt?"
"Nosebleed," Joe said.
"Yours or his?" Jordan asked.
Joe just laughed.
"Where are we going? Where are you taking me now, with all of my stuff?" Jordan
"To my place."
"No, I can't let you do that," Jordan protested.
"Hey, I hate to sound like your step-dad, but it ain't rent-free. Only thing is,
I'm willing to wait for the rent money."
Joe turned with a scowl. "Do we have to have an understanding, too?"
"No. No, sir," Jordan said.
Back in town, Joe turned down an alley and parked his truck close in beside the
building. "This is it."
"Where?" Jordan asked.
"The stairs, right there," Joe said. "Come on, I'll help you
with your stuff."
At the landing atop the iron stairs Joe unlocked the door and swung it open for
Jordan to go in. "It's not much, but I don't need much. I'm pretty low
maintenance. Besides, it's just temporary, till this job ends."
The kitchen was small with barely room for a small table and two chairs, set
looking out over the alley. Joe led the way into the living room and into the
bedroom, which faced the street. "After we get something to eat you can put your
stuff away in the closet and the dresser," he said.
They went to Schiller's Cafe across the street and took a window table. The
waitress brought their menus and water.
"Eat good," Joe told him. He ordered and handed his menu back to the waitress.
Jordan was hesitant and shy. Finally he ordered a hamburger.
Joe held his hand up for the waitress to wait. "How long has it been since you
ate a full meal?" he asked.
"I like hamburgers," Jordan said.
Joe took Jordan's menu and handed it to the waitress. "He'll have a large rib
eye, baked potato, salad, a large glass of milk, and we'll see what else later."
When she was gone he said, "I told you to eat good. You've got a lot of muscle
to feed."
"Why are you doing this?" Jordan asked.
"Why not?" Joe said.
"You don't owe me anything. You don't even know me," Jordan said.
"You're a kid who needed a new battery and fuel pump, starter and new tires, and
some clothes, and as it turns out, a place stay, and a good meal. That about
sums it up, doesn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess it does."
"Then I suppose the matter is closed," Joe said. When Jordan started to say
something else, Joe held up his hand to silence him. "I said the matter's
After supper they walked around for awhile.
"This is the neighborhood," Joe said with a wave of his hand. Next to the
cafe was a sign that read Colt's Gym, and next to that was a strip club. Down
the street was the usual; a shoe store, dry cleaners and corner grocery. On the
other side of the cafe was a tavern and pool hall. Jordan paused in front of the
strip club.
"Don't get too interested in that place," Joe said.
"They've got male strippers?"
"Something for everybody," Joe said.
"Have you ever been there?" Jordan asked.
"Yeah, on certain nights."
"You go to a male strip club?" Jordan asked, surprised.
"It's a great place to pick up women, especially after the strippers have got
them all hot and bothered, " Joe said.
"Do you go to the gym?" Jordan asked.
"I've got a monthly membership but I don't spend much time there."
"Where do you work out?" Jordan asked.
"I don't. I get all the exercise I need working," Joe said as
they headed back down the street.
Back at the apartment Joe pulled off his shirt, turned on the TV and sprawled on
the couch. "Make yourself comfortable. There's stuff in the refrigerator if you
didn't get enough to eat, or if you want something to drink."
"No, I had plenty to eat," Jordan said. "I guess I'd better get my stuff put
away, then I oughta turn in."
"I won't be long myself. At my age, I need all the sleep I can get."
"You're not old. How old are you?" Jordan asked.
"Old enough to be your dad."
"That don't make you old."
"Anyway, I've got a TV in the bedroom," Joe said. "Most of the time I turn it on
and go to sleep before I get to watch a whole show."
Jordan busied himself putting his stuff away. He felt safe here with Joe. It
wasn't home, but home wasn't home anymore, either. He wondered where he was
supposed to sleep. There was only one bed. Probably on the couch.
Joe came into the bedroom and stood at the wide window facing the street.
"How're you doing?"
"I'm about done," Jordan said. Then he asked, "Where do I sleep?"
"Bed's plenty big enough for both of us," Joe said.
"After all you've done, I don't want to take up half of your bed," Jordan said.
"It's okay as long as you don't take your half out of the middle," Joe said.
"I don't want to be a nuisance."
"If I thought you would be a nuisance I wouldn't have brought you here," Joe
"I, uh.....well, the truth is...I've never slept with anyone before," Jordan
"Well, you do it the same as sleeping alone. You stretch out and close your
eyes. Unless, of course, you're sleeping with a girl, then that's the last thing
you want to do."
Jordan laughed.
"You're blushing," Joe said. "Don't tell me a big, built, good-looking stud
like you never slept with a girl."
Jordan swallowed and sheepishly shook his head no.
Joe didn't laugh. He only smiled. "Well, I don't want to be
accused of leading you astray, but maybe we can do something about that one of
these days," he said with a grin. "Well, if you're going to be shy about sharing
the bed...the couch is too small for you. For now, we can set up a make-shift
bed; take the cushions off the couch and the chair and I'll give you one of my
"Okay, thanks."
Joe tore off his top sheet while Jordan arranged the cushions on the floor of
the living room. There was barely enough room to walk around them.
"I hope I'm not too much of a nuisance," Jordan said.
"Pain in the ass is more like it," Joe drawled.
"I'm sorry, but you didn't have to......."
"Hey, I'm kidding," Joe cut in. He went to the bathroom. When he came out Jordan
was in his shorts and T-shirt, looking mighty fine. Joe could hardly wait to see
him out of his clothes. He watched discreetly from his bedroom as Jordan went to
the bathroom. He left his bedroom door open but turned out the light. He was
disappointed when Jordan didn't take off his shorts and T-shirt. Maybe he could
work on that. The best way to do that, he thought, was to let the boy know that
he slept naked and that it was okay for him to do the same.
Joe couldn't get to sleep. He tossed and turned and fought the images of young
Jordan naked out behind the trailer. It was really a losing battle now, with the
boy right in the next room. He felt sorry for the kid. He wished he'd beaten the
hell out of his step-dad, or let the boy do it. He didn't wish anything bad on
Jordan's mom but he half hoped the guy gave him an excuse to do it. He managed
to fall asleep a half dozen times but kept waking up. Sometime in the night he
got up and went in to check on Jordan.
"Shit," he swore softly. The boy was sprawled all over the floor with one leg on
the cushions. He was sleeping soundly, but he had to be uncomfortable as hell on
that hard floor. He looked so young and cute and innocent lying there with his
muscular arms slung up above his head. Joe thought about picking him up and
carrying him into his bed. He would if he could be sure the kid stayed asleep.
But he thought better of it. Jordan might take it the wrong way if he woke up.
He looked at him for a moment. Finally, he squatted down beside him and nudged
his shoulder.
"Huh? What's up?" Jordan asked, coming awake with a start.
"You can't sleep like this. Come on in the bed."
"I'm okay," Jordan said as he crawled around trying to put the cushions back
"You're not sleeping on the hard floor. Come on," Joe said gruffly.
"Okay." He got up and pulled the sheet off the cushions and grabbed his pillow.
Joe went first back into the bedroom. He wanted Jordan to get a good look at
him naked, so maybe he would take the hint. He helped him spread the sheet out.
"You can shed the shorts and T-shirt if you want to," he said as he put one knee
into the edge of the mattress.
Jordan took off his T-shirt and tossed it aside but left his shorts on. Joe
didn't make an issue of it. He waited till Jordan was in bed and turned off the
lamp. The light shone in from the street like a bright moon.
"It doesn't do much good to turn off the lights, does it?" Jordan said.
"I can pull the curtains, but I like it like this," Joe said. "It's like
sleeping in the outdoors.”
"It's okay," Jordan said.
Joe wanted to tell the boy he didn't have to hug the edge of the bed but he left
him alone, and he was soon asleep. Joe still couldn't go to sleep. He lay there
watching Jordan sleep. It was all he could do to keep his hands off of him.
Godd, he was so beautiful! Finally, Joe turned his back to him in exasperation.
He still couldn't sleep, and he didn't know how he ever would with this teenage
hunk beside him. Sooner or later, something would have to give.
He'd barely dozed off when he heard soft sounds coming from the other side of
the huge bed. He turned his head to listen. It sounded like Jordan was crying.
He wasn't exactly sobbing but he was sniffling. If he wasn't crying, he had a
bad cold. Joe didn't know what to do. He felt so sorry for the boy he ached
inside, but he didn't want to intrude. Still, he couldn't let the kid lay there
and cry.
"Jordan.....are you okay?" he asked quietly.
"Yeah." It was a quick reply and he sniffled again.
Joe waited for a moment. He wasn’t convinced just because Jordan quieted down.
Joe knew he was still feeling bad, and sad. He couldn't take it. He reached out
but held his hand back. If he touched him it could be fatal. He couldn't even be
sure that he was reaching out to comfort the boy, or for his own
"I don't think you are," he said finally as he finished reaching across the
bed and laid his hand on Jordan's shoulder.
The boy choked then broke out in soft sobs. Joe squeezed his shoulder. He really
didn't know what to do now. Finally, he moved closer to him and laid his arm
more around him, down across his chest. Jordan seemed to welcome his comforting
"Let it out," Joe said softly. "Nobody your age deserves this kind of hell, let
it out, maybe it'll make you feel better." He didn't know if he was saying the
right things but he had to say something to try to comfort the boy. He moved
closer, pressing his body against his back, and wrapped his arm tighter around
his chest. He did it out of compassion, but he couldn't deny the lust rising
within him at the touch of the boy's thick, hard pecs. When Jordan didn't tense
up, Joe pulled him tight against him from head to foot, smashing his manhood
unashamedly against the boy's butt. Still, he didn't seem to mind.
"Nobody needs this kind of crap," Joe said huskily.
"It's just that...I can't believe you're doing this."
"It's not such a big deal," Joe said. "I was taught, if you see a problem, fix
it, don’t wait for somebody else to do it."
"Nobody's done anything this nice to me since my dad died, except for my coach
when I was in high school, and you don't even know me."
"Could say we're getting acquainted," he joked, squeezing the boy.
"How come you're not married? You would make a great dad and husband."
"Who says I'm not?"
"I didn't see any wedding ring,” Jordan said.
"I was married. It didn't work out," Joe said.
"Did you have any kids?"
"No, I wasn't that lucky."
"You would make a great dad," Jordan said again.
"Well, that's arguable. Come on, turn over her and take in some deep breaths.
You're safe here, Jord."
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels