Worthy of Worship: Chapter 2 - An Evening With Master
At exactly 7:00 PM the door bell rang, and then the door opened. Wade never liked having to get up when one of his slave boys came over. It felt to him like they were giving him orders if he had to get up and open the door for them. Wade simply left the door unlocked, so the boys knew they were to ring the bell, open the door and come in.
Wade heard the door close and then Jamie walked into the room. He was dressed in a loose T shirt and shorts, and tennis shoes with no socks. As he came into the living room he went over to Wade, his blond muscle god, got on his knees and kissed each of Wade’s feet. Then he put his forehead to the floor and waited.
Wade was setting on the sofa wearing only his Jockey shorts watching some mindless program on TV. He had been sitting there with his left hand rubbing his crotch waiting impatiently for Jamie to show up. He was horny as hell, and had been for an hour or so.
Jamie nervously waited for some recognition from Wade. He didn’t know yet what kind of mood Wade was in, but he knew it could make a big difference in the pain level of the session. And Wade tended to be very moody. Suddenly he felt Wade’s hand on his head petting his hair and he let out a silent sigh of relief.
“You’re going to make me feel good tonight aren’t you little boy?. You’re going to make love to these big muscles that you’re so obsessed with aren’t you?” Wade said as he continued petting. “Tell me what you’re going to do slave boy?”
Jamie dutifully kissed each of Wade’s feet and then sat up looking at his Master, his champion, his superman, his demigod. “Thank you Master,” Jamie quoted carefully. “I am your worthless slave, Master, and I am here to worship you. My only purpose is to give you pleasure, Master.” A lot of pain had gone into him learning to say that phrase perfectly as directed by Wade.
“Let’s hear it again slave boy” Wade chuckled.
Jamie kissed Wade’s feet again and sat up. “Thank you Master. I am your worthless slave, Master, and I am here to worship you. My only purpose is to give you pleasure, Master” he quoted
Jamie was a very handsome young man of 17 years of age with blond, almost white hair who was going to be a senior in high school. Jamie was on the track team and the tennis team at school which gave him plenty of exercise and he had a nicely muscled, well defined body. Not a bodybuilder by any means, but more muscular than the average swimmer. But Jamie devoured body building magazines and liked to jerk off while looking at the pictures of big muscles (at least before he met Wade). Every wet dream he had ever had was him worshiping a muscle man, usually licking his huge sweaty biceps. Although Jamie didn’t believe he would ever look like the pictures, he was determined to build his own body because he figured a muscle man wouldn’t be interested in him unless he had muscles too. So he had started working out at a local body building gym a couple years ago. Jamie was nicely put together to start with, so he had a head start on his work outs and was doing very well on developing some muscle and definition; but he tended to be a little haphazard about it and occasionally missed workouts.
However, since he became Wade’s ‘boy’ three months ago, he had become a body building fiend. Wade demanded day to day reports on his work outs and if he didn’t see the improvement he expected, he punished Jamie severely. Therefore Jamie worked out every day for almost two hours, and was always sore, but the results were really amazing. In only three months he had gained seven pounds and his muscles were noticeably bigger. His chest was looking particularly good, and the definition in his abs was amazing. Jamie’s favorite body part however was still big muscular biceps, and he had a collection of videos he picked up on youtube of guys with enormous arms. He wished his own would grow faster because he drooled over the videos while watching muscle men’s melon sized biceps and budging triceps flexing over and over again. Why couldn’t his grow faster? He was turned on by muscle guys pits as well, either hairy or shaved, particularly if you could see the sweat from a workout showing. Sweaty muscle pits on giant muscle arms !! Heaven.
Jamie knew he looked better than most of the guys in his high school class except for some of the big bodybuilders. He also knew a lot of the football players worked out, and he really admired their big muscles, and he was determined to catch up with them. One slight problem was that Jamie was only five foot seven, and the football players were all over six feet tall. Jamie couldn’t do anything about being short, but he fully intended to build a muscular body.
But the real reason Jamie was looking so good was because Wade knew everything there was to know about body building and demanded perfection. Jamie was working four or five times harder since Wade put him on the new body building regimen. Jamie loved admiring himself in the mirror and spent hours doing it, but he knew what really mattered was what Wade thought. Wade was never satisfied, and Jamie knew that Wade’s displeasure always led to punishment.
“Well said baby, well said” Wade chuckled again. “You have learned well. But now your Master wants to hear from you what you are going to do tonight. Tell me what you are going to do?
Jamie dutifully kissed Wade’s feet one more time. “Master, I love doing for you whatever you want. You are the most gorgeous man on earth Master and I’m lucky you let me serve you. I love everything about you Master: your arms, your chest, your legs, your feet and…and everything. I am only here to please you Master. Please let me give you pleasure.” Jamie was trying to say all the things that he thought Wade wanted to hear. As he spoke his voice gradually changed to pleading. Jamie had fallen in love with Wade over the past three months and really wanted to serve him. His greatest satisfaction these days was in pleasing Wade, his Master.
“Good boy” Wade said as he let off petting the boy’s head. “Okay now, it’s time. Show Me!” he said.
Jamie knew this signal well and stood up. He began his routine. He first went into a front double bicep pose; held it for a moment and then to the front lat spread imitating the poses he'd seen in the muscle magazines. Turning sideways, he twisted his torso into a side chest pose, putting one foot behind the other and rising up on his toes. He continued through the traditional seven poses. The routine was ridiculous and both Wade and Jamie knew it. His 17 year old muscles were coming along fine but he was still slim; no bodybuilder by any means, and these poses made him feel and look silly.
Silly or not, Jamie tried his damndest to do the poses well, because that is what Wade wanted. And whatever Wade wanted is what Jamie wanted.
“Show me those shoulders again. Flex ‘em good” Wade said as he stood up.
Jamie went back into a lat spread trying to bring out his chest and shoulders.
“Are you working those shoulders like I told you? Wade growled as he grabbed Jamie’s shoulders with both hands and squeezed. “Are you?.
“Yes Master,” Jamie pleaded. “Just as you told me.”
Wade grabbed Jamie by the neck and jerked him forward viscously to within an inch of his face. Jamie was almost jerked right off his feet. “How many exercises?” he questioned. Jamie gasped and immediately put his hands behind his back so he would not accidently touch Wade.
“I do six Master. Six exercises three times a week; just as you told me” Jamie croaked looking up at Wade as he was being choked. He had to look up because Wade was six feet tall; five inches taller than him.
“How many sets” Wade demanded shaking Jamie’s head.
“Three or four or five Master. I always try to do five sets” Jamie croaked again as Wade was beginning to strangle him with one hand.
“Don’t you tell me you ‘try’. You never ‘try’ for me. You ‘do’ for me! “ shouted Wade as he squeezed Jamie’s throat and shook his head violently. Sometimes Wade didn’t know his own strength and Jamie was scared because Wade was strangling him. He couldn’t breath and tears were coming to his eyes.
“You will follow the routine I gave you and I want those shoulders so sore you can’t lift your arms” Wade shouted as he jerked Jamie’s head once more before releasing him. “I want to see those shoulders bulging the next time I see you.”
“Now, get on your knees and tell me you’re sorry for fucking up” Wade said.
Jamie was gasping and trying to get his breath back as he got down on his knees, and holding his hands behind his back, looked up at his Master with tears in his eyes. “Please forgive me Master. I was working my arms so hard this week……”
“Don’t you make excuses to me, you little shit” Wade shouted as he gave Jamie a slap aside the head. “Tell me you’re sorry for screwing up again.”
“I’m sorry Master Sir” Jamie begged. His neck hurt like the devil. “Please forgive me. I will do better this week Master.”
Wade glared at him for a few moments and then sat down.
“Okay, get busy. Hands okay” he said. He lay back, grabbed his crotch and spread his legs wide.
“Thank you Master” Jamie said as he immediately leaned forward and started licking Wade’s feet. He knew from experience that if no directions were given, he would start with the feet. He also knew that the direction ‘hands okay’ meant he could use his hands if necessary but very little touching was allowed. Jamie had been punished several times for using his hands too much or touching Wade at the wrong time. Worshiping Wade meant using your mouth.
Instead of starting with the toes as usual, and since Jamie was able to reach the bottom of Wade’s feet, he started licking the heal. He hoped Wade would be pleased with the slight change. Wade had obviously been walking around the house in his bare feet so his feet were a little dirty, but that just made it better for Jamie. Licking the dirt off the feet of this gorgeous god whom he loved so much was such an honor and such a turn on. Jamie was always hard when he was with Wade. In fact he was always hard when he even thought about Wade. And showing his submissiveness by worshiping his feet was absolutely intoxicating.
Jamie closed his eyes and focused his entire being on licking his Master’s right foot. He licked under and around the heel and through the instep and up the side almost to the ankle. He knew Wade hated to be licked by a dry tongue, so he alternated between sucking and licking and kissing using lots of saliva. When he got to the toes, he laved his tongue between each one licking them clean, and then reverently took them, one by one into his mouth and sucked them gently. Jamie made sure that every single inch of Wade’s foot was wet from his worship.
Wade turned off the TV with the remote and started feeling himself up through his jockey shorts again. He gently rubbed his hand over his cock while watching his slave work on his feet. He usually held his boys by the hair and directed their worship while they were doing this, however, he knew this slave was well practiced and very dedicated, so no direction was needed. Domination was good most of the time, but occasionally just laying back and enjoying it was acceptable.
By now Jamie had finished with the right foot which was shiny clean and damp. Every few minutes during his worship Jamie would rub his whole face over the wet spot he was licking. He knew Wade liked to see his spit on his face while he was worshiping. In fact Wade had even told him once that he wasn’t working hard enough if his face was not flushed and his nose wasn’t flattened against the muscles he was licking. Jamie made sure his nose was always jammed in against the muscles as he licked them, and he tried to do it so that Wade would notice him doing it.
Among Jamie’s many favorite activities with Wade, his absolute favorite was worshiping his feet, because it showed how submissive he could be and how much he loved being a slave to his muscle god. Wade was so spectacularly muscled with the body of a Greek God, that Jamie was overwhelmed that he had been picked to be his boy. Jamie would take any pain and any punishment to be allowed to be with this spectacular god. The more demanding Wade became, the more Jamie loved worshiping him, because any demigod looking like Wade deserved complete reverence and devotion from his subjects. Wade was so formidable and powerful that Jamie wanted nothing better than to be his slave. He was totally subservient to his Master.
When Jamie was finished with both feet, he started over and worshiped every inch of them again. He spent over half an hour on Wade’s feet and then he put his forehead back on the floor and waited for directions. If Wade was dissatisfied, he would probably get a slap and have to do it again. Otherwise he hoped Wade would let him worship some other part of his body.
Wade was still rubbing his cock through his underwear and it was about half hard. He had stopped watching his slave working his feet, but just lay back with his eyes closed and enjoyed the feeling. Rubbing his cock and having a pretty boys’ mouth working on his feet felt pretty damn good. Sometime, he thought, he might do this for a whole afternoon.
“Strip, little boy” Wade ordered as he looked up. Jamie jumped up and removed his shirt, shorts and shoes in about ten seconds. Then he got his forehead back on the floor.
Wade loved using force to have his muscles worshiped but right now he was so relaxed that he did not want to have to get up and flex his muscles and put Jamie through his paces. He decided that this time he would not make a big deal about showing his power and control but would just enjoy this boys’ worship. After all, this slave didn’t need another lesson in Wade’s power. This slave knew what being a slave to Wade was all about, and he reveled in it.
“Put your face in my crotch slave boy” Wade directed.
Jamie felt instant heat shoot through his body and through his always hard cock. He was going to touch his muscle god’s cock, and maybe be allowed to suck it. Jamie moved up and stuck his face into the Jockey shorts next to Wade’s hand. He wanted to rub his nose back and forth against the cock but he knew he didn’t dare. He stayed still waiting for another order.
“Suck your Master’s cock slave boy” Wade said as he continued feeling his cock through the shorts.
Jamie started sucking Wade’s cock through the underwear. But Wade continued rubbing his cock as Jamie tried to suck it, and it was not easy because Wade’s hand kept getting in the way. He tried not to interfere with Wade’s hand, but he sucked the cock as much as possible when he could get to it. Wade was not one to accept excuses for not obeying orders, so Jamie kept up his efforts to try to get his mouth on the big cock even as the hand kept pushing him away. As he worked at it he began to realize Wade was enjoying his frustrations in trying to get to his cock. After a bit Wade stuck a couple fingers in Jamie’s mouth and Jamie sucked on them lovingly.
Wade finally moved his hand away from the growing cock, and Jamie got busy sucking it through the underwear. It was definitely growing and the underwear were getting soaked.
After a few minutes of watching his cock grow from the boys sucking Wade finally spoke. “Well my pretty little slave boy, what do you think about sucking my cock? Is that what you want to do?”
Jamie immediately realized that was a trick question, because Wade had trained him well to know that his own pleasure was unimportant. What he wanted didn’t count. Only what Wade wanted mattered.
“Oh please Master, I’ll do anything you want me to do Master. Please Master, let me worship your cock. Let me make your cock feel good with my mouth. Anything you want Master. Anything” he said.
“Good answer slave boy. Good answer” Wade said as he grabbed Jamie’s nose and lovingly pulled his head back and forth a couple times.
“Now, get me out of these shorts” he instructed.
Wade raised himself slightly so Jamie could pull the shorts down. Jamie pulled them down to the floor and then lifted up each foot so he could remove the shorts completely. Wade spread his legs wide, opening up his crotch area.
“In my crotch baby” he ordered. “Not my cock and not my balls. Lick….my….crotch.”
I had a dream and it came true, but this was even better!
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels