Full List of our free Gay grandfather stories


Total: 53


I love Corey Chapter 4 part 2 6.25: vote

Sam is frustrated by not being able to be alone with Corey...

Added: 19-Jul-2003

Rating: 6.25
Members Only 8.13: vote

I was eighteen when my Grandfather sponsored me for junior membership at his health club. I guess I should have been honored. It was a very elite club; its membership consisted mostly of doctors, lawyers and bankers, the majority of whom were retired...

Added: 28-Feb-2002

Rating: 8.13
Young & smooth 5.12: vote

As they finished their showers and Bobby was drying them off, it was decided to have a few friends over that the evening for some food, drink, and hot sex...

Added: 29-Sep-2001

Rating: 5.12
A Way With Words 10.00: vote

Things heat up between Steven and Chris after Chris tries to convince his old school friend that he is gay. But is there more going on than meets the eye?

Added: 04-Jul-2012

Rating: 10.00
Trip to the river 6.33: vote

Jason, Bruce and their love...

Added: 19-Nov-2006

Rating: 6.33
Conner"s Sad Story 9.12: vote

100% Real. This tells the coming out story of Conner and that things can get better...

Added: 31-Jul-2012

Rating: 9.12
Crescent Moon : Part 1 8.33: vote

Continuation of full moon intro. where the passion speeds up...

Added: 08-Oct-2011

Rating: 8.33
Joe and Andrew : Part 4 9.25: vote

Part 4...

Added: 03-Sep-2009

Rating: 9.25
The Thirst Within : Chapter 02 10.00: vote

Zak isn"t human, but Oscar doesn"t care, where will it lead?

Added: 21-May-2013

Rating: 10.00
Conner"s Story : Part 2 9.67: vote

Part 2 Of Conner"s Story. In this part It tells the story of how Conner met his now only friend and his first time...

Added: 04-Aug-2012

Rating: 9.67
My German Lover: The Epilogue 9.07: vote

Now,it"s time to bring you up to date my friends. So please, come along with me!

Added: 22-May-2007

Rating: 9.07
The Inn at the End of the Road 6.75: vote

It was a hostage situation gone bad - kid died. Evert was the main link between the faction and the police--he blamed himself -- He drifted into deep depression. But trust Prescott; he wasn"t going to give up without a fight. He was going to bring back the sunshine to his lover"s heart...

Added: 27-Apr-2003

Rating: 6.75
Long Load 7.00: vote

Long Load is a small Somerset village. It seems to me that guys from Long Load have... well... surprisingly long loads. Here are three examples...

Added: 04-Jan-2004

Rating: 7.00
The Stranger 9.16: vote

I meet a kind stranger on the train...

Added: 14-Nov-2011

Rating: 9.16
Koroush and Zack 5.72: vote

Love strory about two young men one from Iran And the other one from USA!

Added: 26-May-2009

Rating: 5.72
The Long Mile Shot 9.31: vote

A story of emotionally scarred Jake Carpenter and Sean McCormack and their struggles through life. With Jake"s rocky history, it will be a crazy ride!

Added: 17-Nov-2007

Rating: 9.31
A Wizard"s Succession 6 0: vote

A new Key has been unleashed, and he"s deadlier ...

Added: 12-May-2012

Rating: 0
Michael & Me 8.50: vote

Through the crazy events of hurricane Katrina two college students find love...

Added: 21-Nov-2005

Rating: 8.50
Coming Out To Cousin Eddie 8.50: vote

Memories about coming in and out of the closet, homophobic parents, thier religious propaganda, and the price that I paid for all of it!

Added: 17-Aug-2005

Rating: 8.50
Dirt Bike Passion 7.85: vote

I had a real passion for motorcycles, especially dirt bikes. But it wasn"t until I"d graduated from high school that my grandfather, a hard-core motorcycle enthusiast, bought me a dirt bike against my parent"s wishes...

Added: 28-Feb-2002

Rating: 7.85
I wouldn"t have done it any other way... 8.58: vote

A night over at a friend"s house becomes the start of a beautiful relationship...

Added: 01-Jan-2011

Rating: 8.58
Flash Recall 6.93: vote

I was still in my teens when I first realized how much having a big, thick cock seemed to impress people. Hey, I"m not the shy type. In fact, as I recall, I"ve always rather enjoyed being looked at. I can even remember being quite young and amusing the adults with my innocent, nude romps about the house...

Added: 16-May-2002

Rating: 6.93
The Voice that Blew my Heart : Intro 10.00: vote

A little intro to a wonderful love story... come on take a peek.

Added: 25-Feb-2013

Rating: 10.00
My Schoolmate"s son 6 6.00: vote

The narrator flees his native village with a guilty conscience and lands up in...""Sri Lanka. After many years, he returns a sick man to Mani"s house. He then meets Mani"s son. The narrator wonders whether it is Mani"s son or his own? The story ends with a question mark.

Added: 13-Mar-2012

Rating: 6.00
Blueliners: part 8 6.00: vote

It"s my birthday.... Beau has a surprise...

Added: 04-May-2012

Rating: 6.00
The Office 8.94: vote

I discover a secret gay slut working for me...

Added: 04-Feb-2009

Rating: 8.94
Church of Monday Night Football 4.60: vote

The bisexual narrator is convinced to try cross dressing and attend a party where the men all believe he is a real woman...

Added: 16-Nov-2003

Rating: 4.60
Summer Camp 7.86: vote

This is fictional story follows on from "Becoming A Model Patient". It covers a week spent at a Scottish Castle with sixty students and work colleagues...

Added: 28-Jan-2010

Rating: 7.86
A Roll in the hay 7.63: vote

I’ve never been hornier in my life than I was during the summer of my eighteenth year —— the year I graduated from high school...

Added: 28-Feb-2002

Rating: 7.63
Dr Wallace"s Casebook 4 8.25: vote

Shaun wanted me, his doctor, to examine his back while he sucked his own cock to make sure that he wasn"t damaging his back...

Added: 26-Feb-2006

Rating: 8.25
Perpetual Motion Machine 8.29: vote

An aging football star searches for youth on the California coast...

Added: 16-Jul-2006

Rating: 8.29
My German Lover, Part 27 chapter 5 8.99: vote

"Have fun, guys... and enjoy your trip", Paul had said to the both of us, as Mike and I were leaving Martinique for Europe. And we sure did!

Added: 03-Apr-2007

Rating: 8.99
My German Lover, Part 27, chapter 6 (Conclusion) 9.36: vote

"Fly away, fly to me, and if you need my love, I"m sailing beside you in your lonely sky... I"ll come in with the dawn, I"m sailing beside you in your lonely sky" (Chris de Burgh)...

Added: 20-Apr-2007

Rating: 9.36
Diary of a soldier 5.14: vote

A soldier is torn between being persecuted by his fellow soldiers, or relieve himself of a terrible burden of hiding in the closet...

Added: 25-Oct-2012

Rating: 5.14
Blood and Love : Chapter 9 0: vote

Secrets, Lies, Doubts...

Added: 06-Jul-2012

Rating: 0
The most thrilling night of my life, Part IV 8.91: vote

Collin really begins to find his way in his new lifestyle. He has a fling with an old friend and meets a new lover...

Added: 11-Jul-2006

Rating: 8.91
Love Bite - chapter 5 9.53: vote

I wanted to cry. I was angry, and in both physical and emotional pain. But he just held me almost expecting me to lunge at him again. But even past my anger I had something that the unnamed woman didn’t have for the werewolf she was with. I had love. I could see the lament in his eyes, those eyes that drove me wild for so many nights. I love him still, despite what he may have done to me because he did out of that same love I have for him...

Added: 26-Oct-2008

Rating: 9.53
Houston Grandad sucks first cock........ 8.16: vote

Recently widowed man meets more sophisticated man at seminar who introduces him to M2M sex...

Added: 22-Nov-2002

Rating: 8.16
Finding New Love 7.27: vote

When Ryon goes to his old school for his junior year, he meets an old friend who surprises him at the movies... (It"s a long love story series)

Added: 18-Jan-2012

Rating: 7.27
Farm Boys, Part 7, The New Farm Hand 9.21: vote

As he showered in the warm water, the steam billowed up around his well-formed body giving him a special wet shine. Then he dropped the soap, either by choice or by accident. I was excited to see his long muscular arms reach down to slowly try to secure the bar exposing his firm buttocks, his hairy ass crack and brown puckering ass hole. I had seen asshole before, but the sudden excitement of this hot stud, caused me to slightly shutter...

Added: 07-Jun-2004

Rating: 9.21
Finding New Love - Part 2: Ryon"s Problems 10.00: vote

Ryon is faced with som challenges, as some things go right, others go wrong. When things get too hard, Ryon flees to his Canadian cabin and meets someone new...

Added: 05-Feb-2012

Rating: 10.00
My First Ever Gay Sex 6.50: vote

Fiction, my first time having gay sex, the details and feelings...

Added: 15-Nov-2016

Rating: 6.50
Revarsal of Fortune 8.42: vote

Coming out "love story"...

Added: 10-May-2005

Rating: 8.42
Creole Lover 4.87: vote

A beautiful Creole boy (light skinned Negro) falls in love with a young, rich scion of a New Orleans shipping company. The boys face prejudice, both because of the interracial and gay aspects of their relationship. When the Creole boy opens a successful restaurant, his financial independence from the rich white boy presents problems...

Added: 17-Sep-2004

Rating: 4.87
The Good Doctor 2 5.70: vote

Dinner date...

Added: 08-Jul-2009

Rating: 5.70
Bite Me : Part 3 0: vote

Rob teaches his heart is stronger than his bite. Jacob burns Rob"s house...

Added: 26-Jul-2012

Rating: 0
Farm Boys, Part 08 9.13: vote

Shawn’s cock was a good fuckable size for my ass. He was uncircumcised like most European men, with a nice bulb shaped cockhead and a very thick shaft. I loved the way the hair formed around his pubic area and covered his big low hanging balls. He was hairier than most of the boys/men I had messed around with. I guess that was the part I liked best...

Added: 16-Nov-2004

Rating: 9.13
A story : Part 2 9.47: vote

Second part of David"s love...read the first part to understand what happens in this one...

Added: 08-Mar-2011

Rating: 9.47
Andrew"s Father, Part V ( The final saga) 8.37: vote

When Andrew"s mother caught us in bed, she exclaimed in rather sheer hostility to his father, “Well, Well , Well-- Now I know why you never loved me--obviously you sure like them young --even if they are your son’s best friend - so tell me when did you first seduce this boy with your deceitful charm?”...

Added: 08-May-2006

Rating: 8.37
The Good Doctor 6.22: vote

a love story...

Added: 21-Jun-2009

Rating: 6.22
Crescent Moon : Part 5 0: vote

Zack and Drake start their new life together until the truth comes out...

Added: 29-Mar-2012

Rating: 0
The Accident 1.00: vote

An accident changed their lives and now another one made them stronger than ever...

Added: 29-Oct-2006

Rating: 1.00
Cut and Pain 8.85: vote

Matthew"s family is Christian and he is gay and has known for some time that he did not fit into the religous world with their pregidous. Then everything comes out and his world is ruined. (No sex in this story but will be later on down the track)...

Added: 12-Jul-2010

Rating: 8.85


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Random Brandon the Brat : Part 2

An immature 20 year old continues his journey in being treated as the immature boy he is...
